Shorter Jay Carney: Obama’s Not King, You Know
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney spoke about the much delayed budget President Obama will finally unveil next week.
“What I will say is that this is not the president’s idealized budget,” said Carney, “It is not what he would do if he were king, or if only people who supported his proposals were in Congress.
Have we ever had a president who more wished to be king instead of having to deal with those pesky other equal but separate, branches of government?
Gosh darn those Founding Fathers.
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Well, we & now Carney seem to realize Obama isn’t a king..wonder if BO has it figured out..I almost laughed when I heard this as I often refer to ‘him’ as “the little boy who would be king” Actuall if he were it might be easier to DEthrone him than get his minons in the Senate to impeach or at least block his highly dangerous ideals…