Did you see this picture? Following his first Easter Mass Pope Francis greeted worshipers and was handed up this young special needs boy to receive a kiss and hug. I thought it might be the top story for news outlets but it was hard to find any mention.
Why? The heartwarming photo, but even more so the video clip below shows that this disabled boy clearly knows and loves the warm embrace by the pope.
I suppose in this day where 80 to 90 percent of “disabled” fetuses are aborted the public does not want to see or hear this story. After all, women and families are told that their disabled child will not have a normal life and will not be able to participate fully in today’s society. “Get rid of it,” they are told, as though their unborn and maybe imperfect child has no value. But perhaps the disabled, the weakest among us, can serve in testament that every human person has value.
All have a purpose. Sometimes it is not obvious. Sometimes it is to teach others. Like the young boy in this clip.
Maybe his role in society is to teach others how to love and the new pope helps him. In the video below, fast forward to 10:30 and watch. Don’t you agree?
In full disclosure, I am not Catholic. I am however, mother to a young adult son who is nonverbal and has special needs. Every day he teaches me life lessons.
My internet kept coming & going yesterday before I could comment. I’m not Catholic either, but this wasn’t just a demominational moment. It was a Christian event.
I’ve always bellieved that it takes a very ‘special’kind of strength, faith & wisdom to care for a ‘special’ needs child with absolute love & acceptnce. And thse people are a true blessing themselves….that would make you a special blessing each & every day. And not just to your Son, but to those that are priviliged to witness your compassion. Your sharing is a source of hope & strength.