SNL and ‘Obama’ on Sequestration

fake obama snlWhile the president is still trying to blame Republicans for the  cuts certain to impact some families and federal workers due to the sequester, it appears the comedians from Saturday Night Live see it somewhat differently.  In their opening skit this weekend, in typical irreverent style, the SNL cast mockingly portrays this president as somewhat uninformed and not knowledgeable on budgets. As the fake Obama says, “I could explain it in financial terms or in human terms,” Obama said. “But since I have no idea how money works or how budgets work, I’ll go with human terms instead.”

After bringing in several federal workers who share how they will be affected by the budget cuts, the President explains  that America will survive.

“Trust me, nine months from now, you won’t remember this sequester ever happened,” he said. “Why? Because there will be another way worse financial crisis to deal with.”

Two things to take from this parody: One, that the writers of SNL are no longer peeling grapes for their hero and two, the above quotes have a real element of truth in them.

You can watch the opening skit below or at NBC.

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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One Comment

  1. …Maybe they simply ran out of grapes…because the grower that supplied them refused to use Monsanto’s genetically altered seed & lost his vineyard?…..

    I’d like to believe the ‘media’ was wishing up, but figure they’re just giving him up for Lent.

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