Former Supreme Court Justice: No Proof Obama Documents Legit

YouTube Description:

Former Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders: Obama Eligibility Challenger Being Hammered; Argued Properly Obama Eligibility Case Not Frivolous; No Proof Obama’s Birth Certificate And Social Security Number Are Legitimate – Aired 2/10/2013 on the hosted by Gary Johnson – –

PART 1 of 4:

PART 2 of 4:

PART 3 of 4:

PART 4 of 4:

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  1. We all know what ‘we know’ and we also know it is most likely to go any further So perhaps it’s time to let this rabbit go down the hole & direct those same energies to finding & electing solid candidates for the 22 seats in the Senate in 2014. Right now that includes 7 democrats!! Let’s renew or rev up our Tea Party attitude & show the power we did in 2010!!!By the way the ‘House” is far from a lock as well.

    1. Jan, I ABSOLUTELY agree… it’s not going to go anywhere! What I find interesting, however, is how some people pretty high up on the chain are actually speaking out on this. Yet… nothing will be done.

      1. “Good question Mr/Ms Constituent, I see the fly in your soup & feel your pain. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m running late for a meeting with my campaign…oops, I mean committee chairman..I’m counting on your vote.”

        Interesting, yes indeedy! Also interesting it that ‘ACTIONS still speak louder than words…..& the majority of this bunch is really into words, just words…We’re in dire need of Action Figures on both side of the room.

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