World News

O’Reilly Interview with Jon Hammar – Imprisoned 4 Months in Mexico

Imagine being locked up in a Mexico prison for a mistake. The jailed Mexican drug cartel inmates threaten your life and your family. You are put into solitary confinement sometimes getting one meal a day; sometimes none. Now imagine you have recently been treated for PTSD following a challenging time in Afghanistan.

Could you stay strong?

This is the story of Jon Hammar who crossed the border into Mexico with his grandfather’s shotgun after filling out forms, paying a fee on the US side and being assured that he could legally take the gun into the country. After months working privately with the US State Department and getting nowhere the family turned to the public. Fortunately, their pleas were heard by Fox News giant Bill O’Reilly who, along with others on FNC, brought this story to light threatening tourism and loss of US dollars to the state of Matamoras. Finally, after four months solitary confinement, Hammar was released just before Christmas.

In an exclusive interview Bill O’Reilly talks to the former Marine giving us a first glimpse of his harrowing tale.


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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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One Comment

  1. O’Reilly is just one of the talking heads guarding the inhabitants of Bullsh*t Mountain from rejoining the world of the sane. Fox News is a propaganda machine which dumbs down America by the day through disinformation and their slanted agendas. See their anchors spewing forth feces from their mouths in my visual homage to the network on my artist’s blog at

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