Mark Sanford to Launch Comeback Bid

Yes, you read that right. Mark Sanford, the once rising star of South Carolina has announced  his entry in the special congressional eleMarkSanfordction scheduled for April.

Sanford, became a household name when, as governor, he disappeared from the state for nearly a week. On his return, it was discovered that the married governor, had left the country to visit his new paramour in Argentina. Even in complete disgrace Sanford refused to resign his position instead choosing to speaking publicly, and continuously, of his new found soul mate…the woman who was not his wife.

Today, the divorced, but newly engaged Sanford wants to rehabilitate his image by returning to politics. Rollcall says his name recognition gives him immediate front runner status.

Here’s hoping the people of South Carolina look beyond the political image portrayed by his election campaign staff. Surely, there is a candidate whose face did not grace the cover of National Enquirer and who does espouse conservative values who can better represent the people of the state. Republicans…and the state of South Carolina…do not need a candidate who is immediate fodder for late night television comedians.

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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