Obama Gunrunning to Al-Qaeda

We are literally arming our enemies.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Abraham Lincoln

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  1. How ludicrous, Obama is out there demanding gun control, which really means disarming the citizens of this country, while arming the Mexican drug cartels and the very terrorist that are trying to kill us. How many generations of idiots have we produced to allow this to happen? There is not one thing this administration does that could mistaken as common sense. These actions are so bizarre that they can only be taken as deliberate acts of treason abetted by the liberal/progressive politicians of our federal government.

    1. Well, L.E., don’t think I can top your thinking. It’s what it all boils down to.These buggers don’t make sense, but fo know exactly what they’re doing

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