Gay-friendly Bible translation now available
Apparently unsatisfied with merely attacking the religious right as hate-filled homophobes, some radical gay activists have recently released the so-called “Queen James Bible,” stripped of any homosexual criticism.
Upon its release, the actual people or group behind the blasphemous whitewash of scripture, as online retailers listed its publisher simply as “Queen James.” No matter the source, though, the contents should concern anyone with traditional Christian morals.
According to a description, the book “resolves any homophobic interpretations of the Bible” while noting editors did not address other “inequality” and “contradiction” contained therein. Further denying the Christian view that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, the description includes this claim: “No Bible is perfect, including this one.”
The politically correct hack job includes key changes to at least eight verses, making “homophobic interpretations impossible,” according to the book’s online summary.
One amendment, for example, is found in the account of Sodom and Gomorrah. While the King James Version of Genesis 19:5 states the sinful residents said to Lot, “Where are the men which came to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them,” the Queen James changes the word “know” – commonly understood as a reference to sex – to “rape and humiliate.”
The editors contend the sinful act was not homosexual sex itself but “bullying strangers.”
This is just one of the inconceivable changes in the latest effort by leftist lunatics to homogenize and neutralize the life-changing moral guide God left humanity in the Holy Bible. The name itself is a reference to a purported nickname of the “well-known bisexual” King James I, the description states.
As a Christian, I embrace new translations of the Bible, provided the translators do not also try to serve as editors. While updated language can make the Good Book easier to understand and more captivating to a current audience, new interpretations of the spiritual message contained within is unacceptable.
Moral relativism is rampant in today’s America and, as more groups seeks to justify their sinful behavior, I suppose we should likewise look for a Bible specifically aimed at thieves and an adultery-friendly version of the scriptures.
B. Christopher Agee founded The Informed Conservative in 2011. Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily.
Pretty simple concept here, if it bothers you or offends you, then don’t read it.
I don’t plan on reading this nonsense. Unfortunately, its existence has the potential to lead well-meaning individuals astray by perpetuating the myth that biblical values are malleable.
It used to be considered a biblical value that the Earth revolved around the sun.
Removing what they consider to be anti-homosexual passages does not make the Bible gay friendly. The entire Biblical framework is binary, holding the male-female distinction as one of the most fundamental binary sets.
This is simply another attempt to justify spiritual rebellion.
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