
Conservatives Need to Kick GOP, Democrats Over Cliff – Replace with Tea Partiers

It’s time conservatives think about pushing the GOP machine over the cliff they are helping Democrats hurl America over and replace them with Tea Party conservative leaders. The moderate RINOs are nothing more than Democrats in cheap Republican clothing.

Seriously people, is John Boehner a Republican, is he a conservative, or a fence-straddling Democrat who sticks his cigarette in the wind to see which way the wind blows the smoke so he can decide which deal will keep him in power?

When conservative House members refuse to vote in lockstep with Reps Boehner, Cantor and McCarthy, they are politically  purged from Congressional meetings.

Reps Tim Huelskamp of Kansas and Michigan’s Justin Amash refused to vote with House Speaker John Boehner on key votes during the past two years. The punishment: losing their seats on the House Budget Committee chaired by Rep. Paul Ryan along with Reps. Walter Jones of North Carolina and David Schweikert of Arizona are losing their seats on the House Financial Services Committee.

Huelskamp said:

I think it’s the worst form of petty, vindictive politics that a member is removed from a committee when he votes his conscience and he votes his district… [but these People go behind closed doors. They [the GOP Establishment] don’t talk to your constituents. They don’t care about your constituents. All they care about is raw political power.

As America is headed over a cliff, Speaker Boehner and his Republican Democrats (moderates) are pushing conservative party leadership under a bus. TEA party conservatives need to take over the GOP.

The Republican Party’s authentic conservative base is the tea party who want America restored, not the likes of John Boehner who seems only concerned about keeping his job.

Moderates must go! Their preference to compromise America’s economic stability by making deals with Obama that increase America’s debt. Republicans in the House of Representatives caved to the $2.4 trillion debt ceiling hike and now they are willing to raise taxes by $800 billion.

Next: The GOP refuses to hammer home tax hikes and government spending truths: Tax increases, disguised as getting even with the rich, will hike taxes on the Middle Class.

 Thomas Sowell explains this:

The actual tax increase plans being proposed by Obama do not start with people who have an income of a million dollars a year. They start with people with incomes of $250,000 and up. That is more than most people make, but it is far short of a million dollars, and miles away from a billion dollars. How many of the people who stand to get hit with Obama’s higher tax rate plan are in fact either millionaires or billionaires? According to the Internal Revenue Service, there are more than 2,700,000 people who earn $250,000 a year or more — and fewer than one-tenth of them earn a million dollars or more. So more than nine-tenths of the people who would be hit with the higher taxes supposedly aimed at “millionaires and billionaires” are neither.

Hey, what’s another $800 billion? We’ll just borrow the money from China so taxpayers can experience that joyous funding of Arab Spring and enemy nations who hate our guts and want us all dead.

The GOP machine has become a bunch of liberal Democrats whose only care is reelection. If that’s false, they would have pulled out all the stops and fought Democrats excessive spending over the last four years, not to mention 20 years of over-the-top Clinton housing loans to the poor.

Is the GOP serious about restoration? They certainly didn’t nominate a conservative presidential candidate.

Furthermore, GOP leadership has sat back and allowed Obama to demonize  Republicans as greedy, rich fat cats, while Obama and Democrats falsely argue that raising taxes increases revenue. Unfortunately, Obama’s Trotsky ploy is winning the argument with his downtrodden 99% invention just as well as it won the election.

After Reagan left office, the establishment crumbled.  The GOP hurled conservatism over a cliff in favor of becoming Democrats in cheap GOP suits. In fact,  GOP leadership has become so liberally Democrat, it looks like the Democrat Party’s behind.

Tea partiers must take over GOP leadership. Conservatives must take up the restorative mantle and change America back to America. W need to push the GOP machine over a cliff, because authentic Conservatives will be be bullied by Democrats.

Conservatives must elect authentic fiscal Conservatives to the House in the 2014 mid-term elections. If we don’t, Nancy Pelosi will ride back in on her broom and her Flying Monkeys will have full control.

John Boehner, even your compromises can’t afford the bucket of water to melt that power.

America that needs leadership fighting unconstitutional administrative government, but today’s GOP lacks the Democrat’s dog-fighting spirit that knows how to go for the jugular and rip votes out of the necks of Republican candidates. Republicans leaders have become dogs who rolls over and submit to robbers invading the House, and Republicans allow those thieves to steal everything without a fight.

Worse:  Both parties are beginning to look like one of loyalists with conservative voters as the the new generation of colonists trying to save liberty from tyranny.




The truth is we conservative need to become the new generation of colonists fighting to save the Republic.

“Mr. Nice Guy” politicians refuse to stand up to Barack Obama and shove his Marxist “spread the wealth,” “fair share” policies back in his face, exposing his destructive plans to the nation. But the GOP hasn’t acted manly since Reagan and William F. Buckley. Republican leaders allow Obama and his administration to double-deal the race card demagoguery against Republicans, wealthy Americans, property and business owners, and basically anyone who has something Obama’s “poor” do not have and are told they are entitled to have by equal fair sharing.

Where is the leadership willing to stand up and rip open the lie behind those polices? Tea party conservatives.

But we can’t forget these leaders are being thrown under the bus because they  stand up against Obama and fight GOP corruption:  Governor Sarah Palin jailed Alaskan GOP leaders for corruption, Michele Bachmann exposed Hillary Clinton top aid Huma Abedin for connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and was trounced by the GOP for protecting national security. Let’s not forget tea party candidate Allen West, whom the GOP never bothered to stand up for as Democrats extinguished West’s district.

Do we need more proof the Tea Party needs to take over before America becomes a nation run by one monarchical party assuming divine rights until the Constitution is obsolete?

Moderates are handing America over to Democrat Trotsyites hell-bent on removing traditional conservative founding values, morals, independence, liberty, constitutional rights, while hurling America over the economic fiscal cliff we cannot climb up and out of.

The GOP has fantastic Tea Party leaders capable of moving this country in the right direction, but Speaker Boehner and his cronies trample them. They’ve turned on conservatives while enabling Democrat leftists to push America into socialist-control.

Moderateness must stop if America is to endure; that can only happen if conservatives shove RINOs over the cliff and elect authentic fiscal conservatives to the House in 2014.

If we don’t fight liberal Republicans and leftists, Obama will enact the “Dreams of My Father” and we can kiss our American lives goodbye.

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Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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