Presidential Election Results 2012 [Live Blog and Map]
After billions of dollars, months of campaigning and a deluge of campaign advertising, election day is here and CDN will be keeping up with voting totals and exit polls.
Next Polls Close: %CODE%
Electoral Results Map
Electoral Count (270 needed to win) – Obama Wins
President Obama: 303
Governor Romney: 206
Results (called states will be highlighted red for Romney – Blue for Obama)
Alabama: Obama: 38% || Romney 61% (99% precincts reporting)
Alaska: Romney: 55% || Obama: 42% (67% precincts reporting)
Arizona: Romney: 55% || Obama: 43% (68% precincts reporting)
Arkansas: Romney: 60% || Obama: 37% (97% precincts reporting)
California: Romney: 38% || Obama: 58% (69% precincts reporting)
Colorado: Romney: 47% || Obama: 51% (90% precincts reporting)
Connecticut: Obama: 58% || Romney 41% (87% precincts reporting)
Delaware: Obama: 59% || Romney 40% (99% precincts reporting)
Florida: Romney: 49% || Obama: 50% (97% precincts reporting)
Georgia: Romney: 53% || Obama: 45% (98% precincts reporting)
Hawaii: Romney: 28% || Obama: 71% (97% precincts reporting)
Idaho: Romney: 65% || Obama: 33% (95% precincts reporting)
Illinios: Obama: 57% || Romney 41% (93% precincts reporting)
Indiana: Romney: 54% || Obama: 44% (94% precincts reporting)
Iowa: Romney: 46% || Obama: 52% (96% precincts reporting)
Kansas: Romney: 60% || Obama: 38% (94% precincts reporting)
Kentucky: Romney: 61% || Obama: 38% (98% precincts reporting)
Lousiana: Romney: 59% || Obama: 40% (98% precincts reporting)
Maine: Obama: 56% || Romney 40% (77% precincts reporting)
Maryland: Obama: 61% || Romney 37% (91% precincts reporting)
Massachussetts: Obama: 61% || Romney 37% (96% precincts reporting)
Michigan: Romney: 45% || Obama: 54% (90% precincts reporting)
Minnesota: Obama: 53% || Romney 45% (98% precincts reporting)
Mississippi: Obama: 44% || Romney 55% (92% precincts reporting)
Missouri: Obama: 54% || Romney 44% (94% precincts reporting)
Montana: Romney: 55% || Obama: 42% (82% precincts reporting)
Nebraska: Romney: 61% || Obama: 38% (93% precincts reporting)
Nevada: Romney: 46% || Obama: 52% (93% precincts reporting)
New Hampshire: Obama: 52% || Romney 47% (87% precincts reporting)
New Jersey: Obama: 58% || Romney 41% (94% precincts reporting)
New Mexico: Romney: 43% || Obama: 53% (91% precincts reporting)
New York: Obama: 63% || Romney 36% (85% precincts reporting)
North Carolina: Romney: 51% || Obama: 48% (97% precincts reporting)
North Dakota: Romney: 59% || Obama: 39% (94% precincts reporting)
Ohio: Obama: 50% || Romney 48% (90% precincts reporting)
Oklahoma: Obama: 33% || Romney 67% (93% precincts reporting)
Oregon: Romney: 44% || Obama: 53% (75% precincts reporting)
Pennsylvania: Obama: 52% || Romney 47% (98% precincts reporting)
Rhode Island: Obama: 63% || Romney 35% (88% precincts reporting)
South Carolina: Romney: 55% || Obama: 44% (93% precincts reporting)
South Dakota: Romney: 58% || Obama: 40% (94% precincts reporting)
Tennessee: Obama: 39% || Romney 59% (94% precincts reporting)
Texas: Romney: 57% || Obama: 41% (96% precincts reporting)
Utah: Romney: 73% || Obama: 25% (88% precincts reporting)
Vermont: Romney: 31% || Obama: 67% (87% precincts reporting)
Virginia: Romney: 48% || Obama: 51% (97% precincts reporting)
Washington: Romney: 43% || Obama: 55% (55% precincts reporting)
Washington D.C: Obama: 91% || Romney 7% (89% precincts reporting)
West Virginia: Obama: 36% || Romney 62% (93% precincts reporting)
Wisconsin: Obama: 53% || Romney 46% (98% precincts reporting)
Wyoming: Romney: 69% || Obama: 28% (98% precincts reporting)
Live Blog
12:44p Romney to make speech within the hour
12:13a Obama wins. The people lose. We have to re-energize to fight for the Senate in 2014.
11:57p No tweets or FB posts from Romney campaign for awhile…
11:56p Things are looking bleak for Ohio, but it’s not over yet.
11:47p Gave Nevada to Obama as expected.. Florida and Ohio are the open issues
11:38p Florida and Ohio are all that remain. Everything else is either decided or too small to change the outcome.
11:26p Only 911 votes separate Obama and Romney in Ohio. We still think Fox called Ohio too fast.
11:23p Although the MSM is calling Ohio for Obama, we’re not there yet.
10:51p Florida, Colorado, Ohio….
10:07p Wisconsin still too close to call. I know the big boys have given it to Obama, but I’m waiting for 4 precincts to report.
9:55p Colorado not showing as strong for Romney as I had expected. I hope I was not as wrong in CO as I think I was in NV
9:53p CDN is calling the Senate to remain in control of Democrats with Brown loss in Mass. 2 more years of Sen. Harry Reid.
9:35p Senate race in trouble unless Brown can pull off Mass.
9:22p Early good news is that the House of Representatives will stay Republican – Senate still up-in-the-air, but likely to remain Democrat-controlled
9:11p Fleischer tells us how VA results are looking good for Romney – I only need a few more precincts to call VA
Good news 4 Romn in No. VA. Loudon Co. is even. Was O+8 in 08. Fairfax is O+14. Was O+21 in 08.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) November 7, 2012
9:09p Florida much closer than I expected.
8:57p Sean Spicer tells us that the GOP picked up a house seat in Kentucky
GOP pick up in the House – KY6, Andy Barr defeats Dem Rep Chandler
— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) November 7, 2012
8:36p Fleischer thinks exit polls oversample Dems
We'll know soon if exits match results, but right now they seem to be oversampling Ds.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) November 7, 2012
8:20p Exit polling in Ohio showing near 2008 black vote turnout – could be a problem in that swing state for Romney
7:51p Ari Fleischer talks about exit polling data and young vote in NC
Exits in NC show youth vote down two points from 2008 levels. If that happens nationally, bad news for O.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) November 7, 2012
7:50p Wisconsin and Minnesota close next – 10 mins to go
7:38p Vermont exit poll data showing strong liberal Democrat turnout – calling it for Obama
7:29 Ohio, NC and West Virginia just closed
7:23p Florida razor-thin with 8% in
7:09p Paul Ryan tweets about Indiana call
First 08 Obama state to flip – @MittRomney wins Indiana. #tcot
— Ryan Williams (@RyanGOP) November 7, 2012
7:08p Florida reports that southern district votes may not be tabulated until tomorrow morning due to high turnout
7:06p Virginia exit polls show close race, but Romney doing well with middle-class and only 8 points down with women
6:50p Polls to close in Georgia, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, parts of Florida, New Hampshire at 7pm
6:49 Exit polls show most voters knew who they would vote for before October
6:42p Continuing to peruse the exit polling data: 34% Conservative, 22% Liberal, 44% Moderate – center-right nation?
6:30p Obama takes 60% of urban vote while Romney takes 60% of rural vote (exit polling data)
6:25 Kentucky going as expected, strong for Romney
6:19p Romney: “I only wrote one speech” – victory or bust for the Romney campaign!
6:17p Ohio voters: Things getting better 37%, things getting worse 33%, things not changing 29% – not good news for an incumbent if voters want change.
6:05p Exit polls showing more Republican electorate than in 2008 – Gallup was right – the D+7 turnout model looks flawed – looks good for Romney-Ryan
6:02p National exit polls 46% say we are heading in the right direction, 52% wrong. Ohio: working class white voters going for Romney, government workers for Romney 51%-48%
5:59p As we approach the first poll closings, thought I’d share my predictions for the electoral map ( so you can all laugh when I’m wrong):
5:52p Obama campaign staff in panic mode. Throwing out campaign videos and begging people to vote:
5:48p Romney Press Secretary Andrea Saul tweets that exit polls showing that voters care about what Romney is strong on – the economy:
Republican voters outnumbering Dems in Colo.
— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) November 6, 2012
5:44p RNC Communication Director Sean Spicer tweets about encouraging voter turnout in Colorado – a state CDN predicted Romney would win
Republican voters outnumbering Dems in Colo.
— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) November 6, 2012
5:37p KatlainSmith89 tweets this pic of Virginia Beach, VA polling location line (heavy R district):
5:18p CDNs prediction for Indiana and Kentucky was for Romney to take both. That would give Romney a 19-0 electoral lead in the first two states to have statewide polls close.
5:07p Redstate reporting that GOP poll watchers are being denied access on a technicality:
5:04 Ari Fleischer tweets that things are looking good for Romney in Ohio
My GOP sources who know OH are telling me turnout is equal to and greater than Bush 2004…
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) November 6, 2012
5:00p One hour to polls closing in Indiana and Kentucky. Romney campaign posts image of “War Stadium”:
Come on Romney!