
BEST INFO ON BENGHAZI~the Rebecca Diserio show~”Critical Mass Petraeus”

As I have been covering the Benghazi attack and all the cover-up going on, I dedicated my Radio Show on November 12th to the breaking news on Petraeus and the Benghazi link to his resignation.  Listen to the REAL NEWS on Petraeus and Benghazi….

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Rebecca Diserio

About Rebeca Diserio–After the tragic death of her first husband, LA County Deputy Sheriff Stephen Blair (Gang Unit, Compton, CA), in the line of duty, she became a Conservative Writer, Activist, and Speaker. She worked on Star Parker’s campaign, co-managing a district office. Currently, she is the CEO & Executive Producer of FIDELIS RADIO NETWORK, and host of the REBECCA DISERO show. She resides with her 3 sons, 3 dogs and 3 cats.

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