The Plantation President and His Party (Conclusion)
Much of what I have discussed over the last two articles are what I believe to be a massive problem here within the United States. President Obama and his party are some of the most destructive individuals in American history. Their ideology puts man above God. Their belief in race and class is the basis for all of their rhetoric, and they do it not because they believe it will solve problems, but because they want to be in power, and they believe that the American people are to stupid to actually understand the issues that face this nation. President Obama is one of the most divisive president in American history, he uses class warfare as his hallmark attack strategy, not only in his campaign but against America itself. He looks down on those who love America and what she stands for. President Obama and his party hate capitalism, free markets, and free people.
President Obama is the biggest liar that I have ever seen. Each lie that he tells, he insults the intelligence of those of the American people. President Obama’s belief in the individual does not exist, unless he is that individual. President Obama believes that he is above the rest of the American citizens, which is evident by the lies and rhetoric that he tells during his speeches. He treats the American population like children, or just a group of people as a means to his end. President Obama and his party seek to destroy the independent individual through government programs, and creating a system of dependency, so that the individual needs government and cannot sustain on their own.
If President Obama actually cared about the individual, he would not seek to destroy the individual through his destructive economic practices and his evident disrespect of the constitution, religious liberty, and his constant attack on the success of the individual, such as the , “You didn’t build that” comment. Another example that president Obama is destroying the life of individuals, is the devaluation of the dollar, by constantly printing money. This lowers the purchasing power of the dollar, making it harder for the individual to provide for themselves and/or their family. This then makes it harder for the individual to sustain current quality of life. One way that this hurts the individual is the cost of oil, which then lowers the purchasing power of oil, the price of oil is fixed to the dollar, which raises the cost per gallon on that individual at the gas pump, which was $1.84 a gallon nationally in 2009, and now is currently around $3.50 a gallon.
President Obama’s ideology is one that believes that the Individual can be shaped and molded through government programs, institutions, and if that individual does not wish to be part of that system, they must be minimized, marginalized, and ultimately eliminated. The left believes that their ideology can replace the teachings of the bible, by replacing government with God.
Since president Obama has taken office, the Left Wing Hate Machine has continued to use racially charged rhetoric in order to divide the American population. President Obama, as the leader of their party has done nothing to suggest that he disagrees with this tactic, rather while on the campaign trail, he re-enforces that style of attack with his class warfare, which also divides Americans. It creates resentment and hatred, envy, and greed. What ever happened to that concept of uniting the American people from his 2008 campaign?
President Obama uses government handouts as “goodies” in order to enslave the citizens to the government plantation. For example, the interest rates on student loans are set to a lower rate through force of government, therefore creating a situation that might entice an unsuspecting victim into a system they might not engage in if the “natural” interest rate was applied to that student loan. This “candy” insults the intelligence of that individual, and proves that President Obama is just looking to grow the dependency of the individual on government, which enslaves that individual to government. President Obama has begun his assault on the independent individual by increasing the amount of individuals on food stamps, President Obama is the food stamp president. When he took office, the food stamp program had around 33 million people enrolled, now it is around 47 million people. That is 47 million people who have been forced onto the government plantation.
Left Wing Hate Machine, attacks the very essence of the individual every chance they get. They wish to subvert the American system through legislation and racially charged remarks. They wish to create a system that replaces God with Government, which was evident during the democratic national convention, which nominated our current president who said that he wishes to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America. The Left Wing Government party hates the very existence of the constitution because it limits their ability to tell us how to live our lives. They Left Wing Hate Machine is the party of “No Choice” because they limit what we put in our body, what we purchase, where we can go, what schools we can go to, what classes we can take. However, when it comes to the life of the unborn, they attack that child and extinguish that flame of life, removing that individual’s “Choice.” Even president Obama has assaulted the unborn and even the born children by voting for infanticide. Every action the Left Wing Hate Machine takes, seeks to destroy the very essence of America, They seek to create a heaven on earth, a utopian society where everyone is equal in all ways. Everyone is not equal, everyone cannot do all things equally. If everyone was equal in all ways, there would be no need for different jobs, professions, and interests, because everyone could do all things. All men were created equal, equal in Gods eyes, provides equal opportunity, not equal stuff, not equal outcomes, not everyone has all things. They seek to have government be the deciding and end result in how we live our lives. What government can give, it can take away.