Obama gets no post-debate bounce in polls

Rasmussen Reports  has released the results of the first set of post-debate polls and so far, Obama has received no boost after a much-improved performance in the second debate.

After having basically failed to show up at the first Presidential Debate, Obama came out swinging this last Tuesday. Many, including CDN’s editor, gave a slight nod to Obama in the debate for his overall debate performance, but noted that he fell flat on American’s #1 election year priority – the economy.

Today, Rasmussen released it’s first tracking poll that contained nightly results from after the debate in which Romney holds a 2 point lead over the President 49% to 47%. In the survey, the candidates are garnering almost equal support from their bases with Romney holding 85% of the GOP vote and Obama pulling in 87% of Democrats. Among independents, Romney holds a 9 point lead.

The poll shows declining support for Obama among women with only a 4% advantage over Romney nationwide. In swing states, Romney does better with women according to a pre-debate Gallup  poll.

Rasmussen Reports  also released the results of its first post-debate Ohio poll and the results are showing a statistical dead heat with Obama pulling in 49% and Romney 48% – within the margin of error.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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