World News

Crossing the AZ Border. . .Almost. . .

When you don’t have enough manpower to monitor the border strange things can happen.

The men in this Jeep cleverly set up tracks on both sides of the fence from Mexico into Arizona. Unfortunately, they didn’t quite figure the angle of the track and the length of the Jeep.
Those in the Jeep escaped back into Mexico where they will surely try again another day.


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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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  1. I would hope that after getting a chuckle from the original video, readers will take time to view the others….while there are some ‘all about me’ residents there, they’re a dwindling number. Each & every day those of us ‘paying attention’ see these incursions chipping away at OUR America. Because political ambitions by the power to change gang are wither incapable or unwilling to follow laws in place, there are countless numbers of American Citizens near this border that are forced to live in fear…not freedom.

    1. You are right Jan. They are more than chipping away at our country. In several areas of Southern AZ there are warning signs posted to citizens to keep out due to dangerous cartel. Our ranchers both along the border and in the travel paths must remain vigilant against the smugglers (of both drugs and humans). If they pull a gun to stop the trespassers and protect their property they, themselves, risk arrest. It is a serious problem.

      1. Teresa, I lived in Phoenix for years, have friends in St David area & now am on the I-20 corridor in SW Texas. I have spent about 7-8 yrs ‘trying’ to motivate the powers that be to ‘just enforce the law” & inform others through my One American notes & different organizations. When legal American citizens are forced to live in fear instead of freedom there is no logic to not using all tools available, even if that means folowing the laws..(new idea..right?) J. Napolitano was no friend to Arizona as govenor & certainly not now. If people don’t see the humane side, I’d like to have them add the dollars up. Thanks for helping keep this in front.

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