Conservative Rap Video Going Viral
You know you’ve made liberals squirm when the Huffington Post writes a scathing article about you. And making liberals uncomfortable is just fine with Justen Charters, the brains behind The Six Trillion Dollar Man rap video that is all the buzz on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.
Charters is no freshmen to creating an internet buzz. As creator of Dear Citizen TV and Co-Founder of Resistance44, Charters is a conservative activist worth watching.
See “Socialist Circle of Influence” by Justen Charter and Erin Haust here.
See Charters and Haust expose The Radical History of Rush here.
Buy The Six Trillion Dollar Man video on iTunes! Click Here!
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I truly feel sorry for the uninformed who beckon their own destruction. Thinking what Ronald Reagan promoted is capitalism goes against reality. It’s the worst form of socialism: privatizing profit and socializing losses. If you really think the XL Pipline is good for “all” Americans, I have a nuclear reactor at Fukushima to sell you. Have a nice day.