CAIR Says Muslims Voting for Obama
As if you didn’t need another excuse to not vote for Barack Obama, here comes a wonderful one. According to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), 68% of Muslims polled will vote for Obama. There are 25% still undecided, but it’s doubtful that particular group will end up swaying toward Romney.
Of course, this should come as no surprise to anyone. The rest of the numbers from CAIR’s poll are slightly interesting, but all in all, this poll is yet another indication of the disconnect between this administration, and reality. CAIR has been repeatedly mentioned in the context of assisting, or at the very least, sympathizing with radical Muslims worldwide. In spite of this poll claiming that 55% of their respondents consider themselves “moderate”, one must take that with a grain of salt. Is that a statement of political thinking, or religious belief, or both? And, as it’s been posited before, is there really any such thing as a moderate Muslim? Of course there are many individuals out there that follow the tenets of Islam, and claim to be opposed to radicals in their midst. However, organized groups of moderate Muslims speaking against violence in the name of their faith are few and far between.
Before any of the conservative fringe starts the whole “Obama is a Muslim” meme, it is wise to think twice. Bluntly, it’s old, crazy, and has done absolutely nothing for the conservative cause. However, pointing out that the necessarily small group that CAIR has polled overwhelmingly support Obama is just fine. And it is meaningful, especially given the events that have been unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa. It is appropriate to assume that Muslims in America relatively mirror their counterparts in that region when it comes to who they would like to see in the White House after this election. Liberals have been trying to play rhetorical games with the now infamous conservative refrain about the “Apology Tour” in 2009. For the record, it was never about the exact words Obama used, but the tone in every speech and meeting with world leaders. Muslims interpreted that as weakness, and there is no doubt that they would prefer to have a weak man in the White House, as opposed to a strong one. We should have learned by now that when offered an olive branch, Islamic radicals offer a sword in return. And moderate Muslims stand by in silence, not wanting to have that sword turned on them. As for CAIR, like the Muslim Brotherhood, they just stand by and watch as the Islamic terrorists attack.