
Benghazi iBurns while Obama Apologizes

The recent terror attacks on our embassies in Egypt and Libya shows the further denials by this administration to admit evil exists. Within 24 hours of the attack they knew it was a terrorist attack. The ambassador sent out e-mails saying he feared for his life and was on an Al Queda hit list. The administration withdrew security before the attack even against the ambassador’s pleas to increase it with the upcoming anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Sure enough on 9/11 Al Queda attacked our embassy killing our ambassador and two navy seals and an embassy consulate. Obama quickly blames it on this little known movie trailer depicting Allah in a negative light that had been out since July.

Obama refuses to recognize terrorism and doesn’t want any mention of it on his watch. He wants us to think it all stopped with death of Osama Bin Laden hence calling the terror attack at Fort Hood “work place violence” and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan “Overseas contingency operations.” Obama said this attack was spontaneous. It wasn’t  It was a planned attack to fall on the anniversary of 9/11 .Terrorists are very patient people and will wait years for an attack and always use important dates. You don’t bring rocket launchers and mortars in a spontaneous attack. Now we have 20 countries mad at us. It has since come out that there have been 16 attacks on our embassies over the past two years and we did nothing to get back at them or prevent them.

In his speech before the U.N. Obama , continued to blame the attacks on the movie trailer which was a veiled apology to the Islamic extremists. He is forever apologizing to them just like in the beginning of his presidency when he went over to Egypt and gave that famous speech apologizing for America and calling us arrogant and dismissive towards them. In his book he said he would side with the Muslims if the winds took a different direction and that is just what he is doing. Of course, he’s one of them.

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Jim Clayton

I am a retired former newspaper reporter and retail sales person. I'm a politically conservative easy going person from New Jersey. I am married to a wonderful wife and like talking and writing about movies,, concerts I attend and current events all which I write about here. I would enjoy hearing from anyone on my articles and they can write to me here.

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