911 Is Who Americans Are
We were not white or black, legal or illegal, Jewish, Islam or Christian. We were not the haves or the have-nots, the 1% or the ninety-nine, we weren’t prideful elitists or gun-totin’ rednecks. We were, just, Americans.
We honor the thousands who died and the many Americans who have served and are currently serving in our nation’s military—many enlisting as a response to the 9/11 attacks. Come together this 9/11 to honor, remember and reunite. Explore the 911 Interactive Timeline.
Visit the New York Memorial by clicking here:
Who Americans Are
September 11, 2001 is the unique moment when every American realized something had gone unthinkably awry. The only question was, how awry. We telephoned loved ones to ease ourselves by simply knowing they were reachable. We tried to comfort friends and those of us who could, gathered with them. We understood these were the last moments of thousands of innocent Americans’ lives. None of us were sure how far its tenacles might reach into the once safe haven of our own.
In those dawning moments and by shear human nature Americans adhered into the united nation of one that we by nature are. We were not white or black, legal or illegal, Jewish, Islam or Christian. We were not the haves or the have-nots, the 1% or the ninety-nine, we weren’t prideful elitists or gun-totin’ rednecks. We were, just, Americans.
We watched countrymen cover every inch of New York City streets with postings of the missing, pleading for some sign of survival. We hung in disbelief on news accounts of planes crashing into skyscrapers, skyscrapers bursting into burning debris and people jumping from them before they collapsed into piles of rubble with thousands still inside. Ash and residue of lives-lived filled crevaces of life we didn’t even know had crevaces. Phone messages of the dying’s fighting words or last goodbyes echoed into the forever resounding canyons of American posterity. Innocents died and heros were born.
In the following days leagues of firefighters, policemen, public utility crews, and private industries from across our nation trekked Midwest interstates to bustling East Coast highways, to aid and assist. Private contractors and crews with personal leave took off work to go on their own, none having concern for their next union contract, who’d pay for the travel, if they’d get overtime – or if they’d be paid at all. Strangers on our streets began waving in nodding gestures and businesses extended the long lost art of caring courtesies, each of us intuitively knowing the patriotism of American brotherhood that was being extended. Words weren’t necessary, because we were, all, Americans.
We taped our country’s flag against work windows from every office building, draped it from rooftops and flew it from flag poles that seemed to sprout from our soils overnight. It flapped from car doors and clung to car trunks, we pinned them to our lapels, sewed them on our uniforms and stuck them to official game gear. First and foremost and above anything and everything else, we were, all, Americans.
Our country’s ethnicities hewned mankind’s perfection from our melting pot of American Exceptionalism and it felt good. Our love of God and country gave us faith, our faith gave us strength, our strength gave us courage, and our courage melded into a patriotism that is America. 911 epitomized our people’s unbeatable determination to overcome the bully that tries to take a nip out of our soul but gives rise to our American spirit instead.
This is who Americans are. If this isn’t your America, you don’t belong here.
Don’t turn your country over to a president who is anything less.
Excellent comment.
This is the same perception that gave birth to the ‘Greatest Generation’.
We lived it, not just on a Pearl Harbor Day, but day in & day out, month after month, and year after years.
The Greatest Generation (WWII Era) handed down their patriotism to Baby Boomers. Then came sixty radicals that everyone thought would eventually grow up. Instead we find them and deadly vermin kinship in our White House. It is time to clean House this November! Thank you for the contributions you and your generation made to the greatest country on earth. Let’s keep the U.S.A. “the shining city on the hill” that it has always been. God bless America.
Obama was less than 10 years old when the 60s ended. He is hardly a 60s radical.
By the way, Mitt Romney was old enough to be a 60s radical and wasn’t…but was old enough to be a soldier during Vietnam. I keep looking for his service record but can’t seem to find it anywhere. Any suggestions?
Jon, if you understand who Obama surrounds himself with, they are 1960 throwbacks to the Viet Nam “revolution” era, which, if you also look into that history, is tightly woven into “anti-colonialization” as is Obama. Bill Ayers comes immediately to mind and don’t bother with the usual denials, I’ve heard them & researched them. It is the same era from whence Obama’s Mother came. When you find the plethora of Obama missing records, I’ll tell you where to find his oppoents’. How’s that for “fair share?” I’m not here to argue. You will believe what you will believe, which my latest article addresses. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvS1deWAXYg . If you watch the full version it well documents precisely that of which I’ve spoken.
Bill Ayers…who he met a few times? Donald Rumsfeld met Saddam Huessein a few times, should we equate the two?
Jon @ September 12, 2012 at 6:12 pm: Ayers and Dohrn are known nationally as two of the most notorious and unrepentant figures from the violent fringe of the 1960s anti-war movement.
In 1989 Bernadine Dohrn and Michelle Obama were associates at the Chicago law firm of Sidley & Austin, when Obama joined as a summer intern.
Obama was an employee of Bill Ayers for 8 years starting in 1995, the year the Chicago Annenberg Challenge was created. One of its architects was Professor Bill Ayers. Ayers proudly lists himself co-founder. Ayers help select Barack Obama as the first Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
In November 1997 Ayers and Obama participated in a panel at the University of Chicago entitled “Should a child ever be called a ‘super predator?'”
In April 2002 Ayers, Dohrn, and Obama, then an Illinois State Senator, participated at a conference entitled “Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?”
Ayers is the Board Chairman of the nonprofit Woods Fund of Chicago and Obama was a Board member. Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002.
I could go on, but as my latest article describes, you will believe only what you want to believe regardless of the proof given you.
For the last time, good bye Jon.
“This is who Americans are. If this isn’t your America, you don’t belong here.”
I forgot, 9/11 only happened to Republicans.
Jon, it’s a shame, though not surprising, that’s the skewed interpretation a Liberal chooses to take away from the article. Thanks to America’s freedoms, right now that’s still your option. Be well.
I was right there with you until you said “This is who Americans are. If this isn’t your America, you don’t belong here. Don’t turn your country over to a president who is anything less.” At that point I realized that this whole article was a dog whistle for racists who would say something like “yeah, his middle name is Huessein, he must be one of them blah blah blah.” I think THAT is a shame. I don’t know what is worse, the fact that you would deny that you turned a piece about how the trauma that came out of September 11 made us a very united country into a veiled attack on your president, or that you might not even be consciously aware that that is what you did.
The conversation ends here: “a dog whistle for racists.” I don’t indulge radically maligned, self-serving antics. Your irrational pretenses are prime example of the cancer True Americans face. No more need be said. Good bye Jon.
I am a true American. I love my country. You have no right to spout conspiracy theories and then claim I am irrational. And anyone who says things like “If this isn’t your America, you don’t belong here” DOES NOT GET what this country is.
The conversation ends here: “a dog whistle for racists.” I don’t indulge radically maligned, self-serving antics. Your irrational pretenses are prime example of the cancer True Americans face. No more need be said. Good bye Jon.