Obama Lobbies Eurozone To Keep Greece In Until After Election
Here’s a hot one. In the “It’s all about me” department, President Barack Hussein “kill list” Obama has asked the Eurozone to keep Greece in it until after the US election in November. Why, you ask? Obama thinks that his reelection chances will be harmed because of what will happen to US and world stock markets if Greece is expelled from the Eurozone.
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras traveled to Berlin on August 24 to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He is scheduled to meet with French President Françoise Hollande on August 25. In both meetings he is expected to ask that Greece be given four years instead of the agreed upon two years to get their financial house in order. Wolfgang Schäuble, German Finance Minister, said it has been only months since creditors drew up a second bailout package and agreed on a massive debt write-down for Greece.
International Monetary Fund (IMF), the European Central Bank (ECB), and the European Commission (EC) representatives are due to arrive in Athens in September to assess Greece’s finance reform efforts. They are expected to report to Eurozone finance ministers on October 8. The finance ministers will decide on whether to disburse Greece’s next €31 billion financial aid package. Obama is worried because if the finance ministers decide Greece has not done enough to meet its deficit reduction target and withholds the money, it would mean Greece’s exit from the Eurozone only weeks before the Presidential election.
European leaders are thought to be sympathetic to Obama’s lobbying, fearing that, under pressure from Republicans, Mitt Romney would be a more isolationist president than Obama.
So Obama wants the Eurozone to take, or at least delay, a financial hit to better his reelection chances. Is that chutzpah, or what?
But that’s just my opinion.
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Ah, give the man a break…if it worked for banks & GM, why not an entire country? The caca de torro is really stacking up. Here I Thought the $5.oo donation for a chance to take part in his birtday party was bad….Remember the little rich girl that handed out candy to get voted class president?…It’s ME ! ME ! It is my belief & ferverant prayer That Americans are overdosed on sugar & catching up with the Europeans in seeing what he is….or isn’t, “Mr. Obama, you’re not in Kansas, Hawaii Kenya or whereever you came from.” Suddenly he cares about Greece? NOT