“I Love My Country,” Says Senatorial Candidate Tom Smith
The farm of US Senatorial candidate Tom Smith was the setting for Sunday’s picnic and meeting of the Indiana Armstrong Patriots in Western Pennsylvania.
Facing a tough race against Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Mr Smith gave a short and well received speech about the importance of electing conservatives to the Senate this fall. He commented on the degree to which Pennsylvania had voted Republican in the last election and encouraged the crowd to do the same in November.
I had the opportunity to speak with him briefly. He struck me as a down to earth man with a strong sense of duty to his country. He said to me, “Someone asked me recently, with all you have Tom, this place, wife, children and grandchildren, why would you want to run for the Senate? I told them that I love them all dearly, but I love my country more.” He went on to explain that it is for those children and grandchildren that he is running. They are the ones who will have to pay for the massive debt we are accumulating, and it is their freedom which is at stake.
Jobs are top on the list of Tom Smith’s issues, with heavy emphasis on loosening the stranglehold the current administration has on the free market by repealing ObamaCare, encouraging energy production including coal, oil and natural gas, and opposing the coming huge tax increases on everyone.
Mr. Smith’s positions also include finally securing our national borders, limiting the terms of those who are supposed to serve us, but end up serving themselves in Washington, and reigning in once and for all the completely out of control spending from our nation’s capitol.
Also speaking Sunday’s meeting were Pat Leach on behalf of Soldier’s Angels and Naysa Woomer representing Heritage Action for America.
Soldier’s Angels motto is “May No Soldier Go Unloved.” It is a volunteer program by which people adopt a soldier currently serving on active duty. The angel corresponds weekly with the soldier and helps to provide them with little things from home that they cannot get where they are deployed.
Ms. Leach also told a story about knocking on doors for Republican candidates, one of which was answered by a young man who told her he was a democrat. She asked him if the election were held today would he vote for Mitt Romney or Barrack Obama. In a quiet, unassuming voice he answered, Mitt Romney. He had just last week lost his job, and his wife has been crying for three days.
Ms Woomer explained that Heritage Action for America was the sister arm to the Heritage Foundation. She went on to tell the audience of about 150 Patriot members that one of Heritage Action’s functions is to score House and Senate members on their voting records with regard to conservative issues. She pointed out that Tom Smith’s opponent, Bob Casey, has a Heritage Action score of just 3%. Scorecards were made available to all who wished to have one.
For more information on Tom Smith’s Senatorial campaign go to https://tomsmithforsenate.com.