Hollywood Actor Vows to Actually Have Sex in His Next Movie

You sure you wanna go down there?

What do you do when you’re 26 years old, you’ve worked for Steven Spielberg, and you’ve already starred in at least four blockbuster movies?  You shoot some skeezy “dramatic porn”, of course.  Transformers star, Shia LaBeouf, vowed to actually have sex with actress, Charlotte Gainsbourg, in an upcoming movie called “Nymphomaniac”.  (in the interest of realism, of course)

When explaining why he went from Summer blockbusters to thinly veiled porn, the actor had this to say:

“I’m done,” he said. “There’s no room for being a visionary in the studio system. It literally cannot exist. You give Terrence Malick a movie like Transformers, and he’s f***ed. There’s no way for him to exist in that world… [Von Trier’s] dangerous. He scares me. And I’m only going to work now when I’m terrified.”


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