Drug Addicts and Taxes

Did you know that there is an Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)? And that for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, President Barack Hussein “what’s another deficit” Obama’s budget requested $25.6 Billion for the National Drug Control Budget, an increase of 1.6 percent over FY 2012. Further, the budget request calls for $542.4 million to provide funding programs that provide housing to individuals in illegal drug, excuse me, substance abuse treatment.

Guess where all that money is coming from. That’s correct – us law abiding tax payers.

The ONDCP web page begins with this statement” “… represented a new direction in our efforts to reduce illicit drug use and its consequences in the United States, with the goal to achieve a 15 percent reduction in the rate of drug use and similar reductions in drug use consequences over the course of 5 years.”   [emphasis mine]

Specifically, two of the seven ONDCP goals are:

  • “bringing more Americans in need of treatment into contact with the appropriate level of care”
  • “protecting public safety while also ensuring that drug-involved offenders have the opportunity to end their drug use and rebuild their lives”

In support of the first goal, there is a “Treatment & Recovery” section. It offers this:

“For millions of Americans, substance use progresses to a point where the efforts of the individual, his or her family and friends, and social networks may not be sufficient to bring the problem under control. In these cases, access to addiction treatment can be a critical-even lifesaving-resource.

Like other chronic diseases, addiction can be managed successfully. Although often a long and difficult journey, research shows treatment is effective in helping addicts achieve recovery. Effective treatment programs enable people to counteract addiction’s powerful disruptive effects on the brain and behavior and to regain control of their lives. Providing treatment also lessens the burden substance use cause society. Studies show that every dollar spent on treatment saves four dollars in health care costs and seven dollars in public safety costs.”

In my 63 years on this planet, I have NEVER taken an illegal drug (prescriptions are bad enough), nor have I abused any substance (unless you call one beer per day abuse). I do not hold myself up as “holier than thou.” I just want some answers to some questions I have.

  • I did not force the needle into the addict’s arm (or eyelid, or between his/her toes, or wherever), or force the abuser to abuse the substance, I did not get the “high” that accompanies drugs or substance abuse, I did not receive any of the “benefits” of drugs/substance abuse, so why should I be forced to pay for them?
  • It’s unfortunate if the addict/abuser choosesto ruin his/her life. And it’s unfortunate for the family (especially the children). But it is NOT my responsibility to be forced to provide for them.
  • The ONDCP web page says that “Studies show that every dollar spent on treatment saves four dollars in health care costs and seven dollars in public safety costs.” That’s all well and good, but just think of the dollars we could save if the programs were not needed.
  • The ONDCP web page refers to addiction as a “chronic disease.” Does that mean that the addict/substance abuser could not avoid the condition that caused the “chronic disease,” that he/she had no way to avoid the cause, and that we taxpayers should now be responsible for, suffer the consequences of, the behavior of the addict/substance abuser?

It’s fine if I choose to provide funding for programs, such as with faith-based or charitable organization avoidance/recovery programs. But, through taxes, I am forced to support (pay for) drug/substance abuse programs. Therein lies the rub. The last time I looked, the IRS has the power to throw me in jail if I didn’t pay my taxes. That sounds a lot like force to me. So what it all boils down to is choice versus force.

In support of the second goal mentioned, we already pay for a program to achieve that goal. It’s called JAIL! Enough said.

So now it is the responsibility of the tax payer to provide substance abuse treatment and recovery services. I guess it’s not enough for us to pay for their treatment and recovery, we must also provide housing. When are the addicts/abusers going to take responsibility for and consequences of their choices? Will the federal government madness never stop? But, because the addicts/substance abusers (are allowed to) vote, the answer is NO.

But that’s just my opinion.

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