Scott Brown Needs You
Lest we forget, Scott Brown is still running against Elizabeth Warren – she-with-the-questionable-native-family-roots. Thanks to an agreement to exclude SuperPAC ads in this campaign, the wolves are being held salivating at the gates on this one. So what does this mean? Scott Brown needs you!
Of course, ABC decided to pontificate on the pros and cons of a SuperPAC-free campaign. Personally, I see it as an opportunity to place real issues center-stage. Special interest groups tend to focus on their own little corners of the political world, and spend their money accordingly. Brown can control the narrative of his campaign, and has a relatively free hand to prevent it from degenerating into a pissing contest centered on Warren’s collective nonsense.
There was much screaming from the left over the Citizens United ruling that allowed the rise of the SuperPAC in the first place. And even though it hasn’t been that long, the GOP seems to have become far too dependent on corporate participation in campaigns. The Brown campaign offers us the opportunity to show everyone once and for all that we can still win without the help of the big bucks and special interest advertising. This can be an ideological campaign, and it can win on the merit of what Brown wants to do for Massachusetts.
That is how you win a campaign on conservative values, pure and simple. But, in order to do this, he needs money to get that message to his constituents. No SuperPAC advertising means that everything is on the Brown campaign. And while out-of-state organizations may not participate in this campaign, out-of-state individuals may contribute (within the limits permitted, of course.) So….
On a personal note, I used to write for a liberal editor from Massachusetts. We still keep in touch from time to time. Please, don’t give him the opportunity to pick on me about Scott Brown losing in November!! I really don’t like it when the few liberal friends I still have can do that sort of thing! Thanks!