In The News
Occupy The DNC Event Planned
Using the left’s tactics against them creates a rather delicious (kinda like bacon.. with anything) irony. Heritage, FRC and AFP are involved so why not you?
I wanted to send you an updated guide with schedule for our historic event taking place during the DNC convention in Charlotte, NC. Please check out the video link below.
The website is
Last week we added Heritage Action and FRC as partners for the event and AFP has already agreed to bring the November is coming bus to the location!Please note that we do have hotel room blocks and that our space is in a prime location in relation to where the DNC is meeting.As we prepare for one of the most important election in our lifetime, I hope you will join me as Conservatives go on the offense to save our country. I will be following up with you this week regarding attendance and/or sponsorship opportunities. I hope to see you in Charlotte!!!
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