Geithner: Obama’s Jobs Act costing taxpayers $200K per job is a ‘bargain’

“Turbo” Tim Geithner…. out of touch or just a turbo idiot?!

In an interview with ABC News, Geithner challenges Democrats to pass Obama’s jobs bill.

As usual, in what ABC sees as Geithner’s perceived ‘bargain’, it’s nothing but borrow, borrow, borrow… spend, spend, spend.

“We can borrow money for 10 years as the government of the United States because people have confidence in this country at less than 2 percent. The responsible path now is to take advantage of the unique position we’re in as a country. People have a lot of confidence in us. Let’s take advantage of that now to do things that help growth in the short-term.”

Trubo Tim Geither…. out of touch turbo idiot indeed!


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One Comment

  1. Timmy is sounding stupid. On the plus side, Diane sounded reasonably sober.

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