Arpaio team finds the man who forged Obama Birth Certificate
Is this the news that is going to be reported by Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio at a News Conference scheduled for July 17?
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It seems every single document Obama has is questionable. If it was one document, I’d say, “OK, there was probably a clerical error there.” But birth certificate, selective service, AND social security?
“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times, it’s enemy action.”
Just finished watching the conference. They are adamant that the document is indeed a forgery. No mention of who that forger might be. It still comes down to seeing the “microfilm” which would put an end to the whole thing, but for some reason is being denied the investigative group. We know that there probably isn’t any. The Sheriff would like Congress to pick up on this from here, but we all know they don’t want to touch it even though they all know the guy is illegal. I was a bit disappointed that they didn’t get a forger.