Like a puppy who hasn’t quite got the hang of potty training yet, the administration is still struggling with decorum and behavior befitting the office of the presidency.
In a move best described as presidential potty mouth, the official twitter account of President Barack Obama posted “Still a BFD” hours after the ruling on the Affordable Health Care Act, obviously referring to the hot-mic incident at the bill’s signing. Vice President Joe Biden displayed a little diarrhea of the mouth whispering, “this is a big f—ing deal,” on live television.
Apparently, the official “tweeter” for the president failed to see the backlash from a social media faux pas courtesy of Democrat National Committee Executive Director Patrick Gaspard that occurred earlier in the day. Several hours before the president’s juvenile tweet, Gaspard took to Twitter to gloat saying, “it’s constitutional. B-tch-s.”
Gaspard later apologized, but the obnoxious statement had already been re-tweeted over 1,500 times.
Keeping the lack of class and complete disrespect for the office of the presidency going, Obama Campaign Manager Jim Messina proceeded to send a hasty email from the official campaign address just a few hours later with the subject line, “Let’s win the d-mn election.” The short content of the message repeated the vulgarity as if to prove beyond doubt the act was intentional and well-thought.
Perhaps the president, his campaign staff and the DNC could take a manners class to learn proper language and respect. In the meantime, I’ll continue to line my new puppy’s crate with the newspaper stories about the presidential potty mouth. I’d be willing to bet he’ll be potty trained faster than the president can fix his behavior.