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“progressive” Media Spin Continues Unabated

Consistent with a clear pattern of widespread institutionalized “progressive” left media bias, Yahoo News once again uses headlines to promote their version of the news.  They report that whoever wins the presidency in November will have negligible impact on the economy.

The “news headline” reads:

Poll: Election winner won’t impact economy much

The story reports on results of a new Associated Press-GfK poll, which shows that half of America says it will not matter which presidential candidate, either barack obama or Mitt Romney wins the White House.  The chances of the winner having much of an impact on jobs creation are seen as slim to none.

Anecdotal testimony is then provided…from a retired policeman, a pre-school teacher and a mechanical engineer who backs obama.

Are not police officers and teachers members of unions, which are strong Democratic supporters?  Were not the police and teacher unions heavily invested, involved and outspoken in favor of Democrats during the recent, hotly contested, highly partisan Governor’s recall election in Wisconsin?  What reason is there then to conclude that this poll sampling and accompanying anecdotal evidence are not tainted by a pre-selected demographic and therefore nothing more than “progressive” spin, intended to create a false impression from which readers are subliminally “nudged” towards reaching a predetermined conclusion?

The telling part of the story that indicates the real problem is largely overshadowed by the way it is lumped in with tainted, biased anecdotal “evidence”:

“Years of disappointing economic news following the 2007-2009 recession have deflated American optimism. And worries about financial troubles in Europe and congressional gridlock at home hang over the future.”

Years of disappointing economic news following the recession are the result of failed policies enacted by an extremely partisan “progressive” Democratic House, Senate and Chief Executive who were dedicated to enacting their radical fringe leftist agenda intended to spur rapid government sector growth while taking over and imposing regulatory controls upon huge portions of the private sector economy.

Financial troubles in Europe can be attributed to decades spent following the same big government tax and spend policies American “progressives” are misrepresenting to the United States as the “solution” to problems caused by big government tax and spend policies.  Crushing the private sector with regulations and taxes, while spending the tax revenues on “entitlement” programs or benefits and salaries for government employees has yet to usher in true European prosperity.  Today’s evidence is quite to the contrary.

Congressional gridlock at home is a consequence of American voters deciding in the 2010 midterm election that having unchecked out of control “progressives” running Washington DC was counter to the nation’s best interests.

A Republican President, working with Republican majorities in the House and the Senate will not be experiencing the gridlock caused by obama’s disastrous, ideologically driven, highly partisan, continuously inflexible “it’s my way or the highway” governing style.

There is pent up anticipation that after years of anti-business, anti-energy, anti-growth, “progressive” policies, resounding Republican victories in November’s races will trigger a bull market on Wall Street, as well as spur business investment and hiring.

Naturally, for card carrying members of the “progressive” Party Pravda, whose primary objective is re-election of the current White House occupant, the tainted poll results of a mere 1,007 justifies influencing the decisions of thousands of online readers with headlines based on “progressive” spin masked by highly questionable anecdotal evidence.


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