Muslim Brotherhood Takes Egypt; Targets Israel
It was announced Sunday that Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi has won the Egyptian Presidential election with 51.73% of the vote.
The Muslim Brotherhood‘s own stated end goal is to create an Islamic Calaphaete or empire using democratic processes in Middle-Easter and European nations. While many discount the self-announced goal as fear-mongering, the words of Egypt’s new president cannot be so easily dismissed.
At a rally for the President-elect, the cleric chosen to introduce Morsi’s cleric sang to the crowd as “lovers of Martyrdom” and that they must “banish the sleep from the eyes of all Jews”. He continued saying that all Egyptians “are Hamas and that they should “brandish their arms” and march on Jeruselam.
Are Egyptians the same Hamas that has fired 150 rockets into Israel over the past week?
Obama’s Arab Spring could end up being an Israeli and European nightmare.