Gun News
City Worker Fired For Turning in Gun He Found on the Job
Cam Edwards speaks with John Chevilott, a groundskeeper for Wayne County, Michigan Department of Public Services who recently found a handgun while he was mowing a lawn. He secured the firearm and took it in to a nearby Garden City police station, but later he was notified that he had been fired for possessing a firearm on county property. Chevilott was on 2 years away from retirement, and his union has filed a grievance with the county on his behalf
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The groundskeeper made a primary mistake in touching that gun in the first place. He should have called the Police to come and get it. he may have destroyed evidence that could have been used to put away a bad guy or otherwise solve a case in progress. For the rest of this story this is clearly an excuse employed by the County to fire him.
This is no firing offense. This guy needs a lawyer after he runs through the course of his union and then file charges against the department he’s working for.
The EEOC would love this one, I think.