1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama: Closing Arguments
The following points have been demonstrated and documented over the course of the previous posts:
- President Obama was elected in part due to a deceptive media that failed to properly vet an obviously radical president.
- Candidate Obama had a lengthy left-wing track voting record compiled from his days as a state senator and U.S. Senator, although the mainstream media worked in concert to portray him to the American people as “moderate.”
- The president was demonstrably and clearly a member of the socialist New Party in Illinois. Socialism is not compatible with constitutionally limited government.
- Candidate Obama had a number of scandalous associations, including with Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, and many others, which were shrugged away or swept under the rug by by the media.
- Candidate Obama promised that he would “fundamentally transform” the country five days before his election. It is not the role of the United States president to unilaterally impose his preferences on millions of citizens.
- Before coming to office, he frequently condemned Bush for his war policies; and then as president, he voted for the Patriot Act twice without revision, claimed he has the right to detain and assassinate U.S. citizens, and allowed the use of spy drones over domestic soil.
- Obama lied frequently and egregiously about what he would do as president. The future president promised he would cut deficits, go line-by-line through wasteful legislation, bring more transparency to government, and end the wars in a timely fashion. Yet he has not been held accountable by the mainstream media for these lies.
- Obama the candidate used soaring and empty rhetoric to woo a nation sick of partisanship. But he betrayed this lofty tone a number of times, such as by referring to Republicans as “enemies,” rhetorically saying he would bring a gun to a knife fight, and that he wanted supporters to “get in people’s faces.”
- Obama has engaged in class warfare politics foreign to this country’s history. He has attempted to pit rich against poor, and middle class against both, instead of underlining the capitalist truth that we can all prosper together through hard work.
- The future president promised he would work with the Republicans in a bi-partisan fashion. But along with the Democrat-led Congress, he would force legislation through with little or no consequential input from GOP representatives.
- The economic crisis that put Obama over the top was caused by bad fiscal practices such as forcing banks to make loans to subprime borrowers and the government insuring mortgages. There is no serious way of avoiding the fact that the government created perverse incentives and moral hazard with its mortgage lending regulations and policies.
- President Obama would blame Bush for the situation he was put in on numerous occasions. But Obama would go on to double down on virtually every major Bush policy; including bailouts, stimulus, big healthcare programs, and war policies.
- The president has spent more money than any president over four years, while racking up more debt than all previous presidents combined. This money has to be paid back at interest by us and our children, one way or another.
- Obama has been one of the most corrupt presidents in history. Trillions in taxpayer money has been doled out by Obama in politically partisan fashion to unions, non-profit organizations, corporations, banks, and other campaign contributors.
- Meanwhile, the spontaneously arising tea party, which objected to such shameless theft from hard-working producers and redistribution to the corrupt and non-working, were marginalized by the president, vilified by the Democrat Party without objection by Obama, and even called a foul-mouthed epithet by the president himself.
- The president would go on to support the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, a group of feckless criminals and aimless rabble-rousers whom he “empathized” with, even though he had been one of the major underwriters of Wall Street’s reckless practices.
- Obama shamelessly pandered to unions, blacks, hispanics, women and every other known subsection of the American public even after he was elected president, whose office is meant to represent the interests of the entire country as a whole.
- After becoming president, Obama has endlessly remained in campaign mode, pausing only to act like a uniter at politically opportune times, such as after the Gabriel Giffords shooting.
- He came to office with the slogan “Hope and Change,” and at the end of his presidency, has shamelessly carried out a negative re-election campaign.
- Although he has been hyped as one of the greatest orators in presidential history, Obama has a lengthy history of gaffes and awkward pauses.
- Obama has been touted as one of the smartest presidents ever, with little record to verify it, and without any demonstrable results to prove it.
- The president has acted extremely incompetently at times; most visibly after the BP oil spill, which he let languish for forty days as he rhetorically used it as an issue to demonstrate the supposed wisdom of his environmental policies. Once he decided to act, the leak was stopped within a few days. The BP oil spillage then quickly resolved itself by dissipating into the Gulf of Mexico.
- Obama would defy the rule of law repeatedly, acting more like he had been coronated Tsar than elected president. Disregarding a Louisiana judge’s ruling against the unilaterally imposed moratorium on offshore drilling is but one obvious example. Strong-arming BP to set up a victim’s fund in violation of due process rights is a related offense.
- The president would then appoint numerous radical, virtually unconfirmable “czars” to head various executive posts and initiatives in violation of Senatorial advise and consent. Many of these czars, like Julius Genachowski at FCC, would operate in defiance of legislatively passed laws.
- The president then ignored the Constitution on several other matters, such as by making a recess appointment when the Senate was not in recess, which is explicitly forbidden by the Constitution.
- The president would then bully countless businesses and organizations, meanwhile touting a “bullying” campaign in our schools. A prominent example among many is the NLRB’s blocking of a Boeing plant to be built in right-to-work South Carolina.
- President Obama pressured the CEO of GM to resign and then put a political hack in his place. It is not the proper role of the president to act like CEO of the country.
- Obama postured as if he would be a post-racial president as a candidate, but then his lapdogs proceeded to inflame race relations, making them worse than they have been in decades.
- Candidate Obama ran as a blank slate candidate that the public could project their hopes onto and ended up being an extremely partisan president that engages in sleazy politics.
- The president set up a number of websites that encouraged Americans to spy on and snitch on one another to the government.
- He has called out private citizens by name in order to castigate them, such as talk show host Rush Limbaugh.
- He has deceptively used private citizens to make anecdotal arguments for policies. One example is the case of Democrat political operative Sandra Fluke.
- President Obama has refused to forthrightly and expeditiously release commonplace records to the public, keeping them secret and attacking anyone who seeks more information as a ‘conspiracy theorist.’
- Obama claimed that he “would not rest” until he accomplished several policy goals (which were never accomplished), but then took lavish vacations and went golfing a record number of times for a president.
- The president has demagogued about the ‘shared sacrifice’ and ‘skin in the game’ he expected of Americans, but has lived like a king on the taxpayer dime, like outrageously flying in a pizza chef to make him pizza.
- Obama has schmoozed with celebrities and appeared numerous times on talk shows to engage in shameless self-promotion, which is noticeably unbecoming of the presidency and lowers the dignity of the office.
- The president has used funding of the arts to engage in political propaganda.
- He has promulgated a cult of personality that has led to children singing odes to his name in school, which he has fed by giving personal messages to children reinforced by Department of Education issued questionnaires.
- His environmental agenda has consisted in constant and endless fearmongering about supposed “manmade climate change,” which has reinforced his program of gaining a regulatory stranglehold over energy production and industry.
- Obama and his cadres have bald-faced bragged about intentionally making electricity prices “skyrocket” and driving coal companies out of business.
- President Obama has in numerous ways worked to erode U.S. sovereignty in deference to unelected and unaccountable UN bodies, Quangos, and INGOs. He backed a cap-and-trade scheme that would have seen trillions of money laundered through the UN and political cronies’ hands; his financial appointees have mulled a global currency to be administered by the IMF (which was recently headed by a socialist); he has called for ratification of a restrictive small arms treaty; supports the Law of the Seas Treaty;, and has advocated other sovereignty-infringing treaties.
- In violation of the U.S. Constitution and the War Powers Act, President Obama has committed troops to military actions without reporting to Congress; and he has justified such action by appeal to international bodies like NATO. In addition, he has committed U.S. troops and hardware to carry out missions in various countries in Africa, such as Libya; as well as in Yemen and Pakistan, among other sovereign nations.
- President Obama has cordially and in unseemly fashion courted various socialist despots, Islamist dictators, and authoritarian heads of state.
- He has on a number of occasions bowed to foreign heads of state in a manner violating foreign policy protocol and besmirching national dignity.
- He has insulted our allies Britain and Israel by giving foreign leaders inappropriate gifts and inexcusably flaunted etiquette in high level meetings.
- When the Iranian people needed a world leader to visibly support their struggle for freedom and democratic accountability, Obama was nowhere to be found. The president claimed he did not want to meddle in Iran’s internal politics.
- When Honduras removed its burgeoning socialist dictator from power, Obama not only misrepresented the legal action to remove Zelaya as a “coup,” he instructed the State Department to punish Honduras by withholding foreign aid.
- When the Arab Spring movement caught fire in the Middle East, Obama interjected himself into Egyptian politics to help remove authoritarian president Hosni Mubarak from office. After his intervention, Islamist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and worse rose to power.
- The president has repeatedly and inexplicably made conciliatory gestures towards Russia, which has repaid his “flexibility” with hostile foreign policy actions around the world.
- President Obama has continued to borrow far and away what the country can afford to repay from the communist regime of China, strengthening an ideological adversary at the American people’s expense.
- The president has continued to prop our foreign adversaries that rely heavily on oil revenue by intentionally hamstringing the country’s ability to fulfill its own energy needs, particularly through environmental regulations.
- He has reduced the full faith and credit of the United States by enacting no policies to avoid a reduction in our sovereign credit rating from AAA to AA+.
- He has slashed the military capability and might of the United States by reducing its troops levels and cutting funding while expanding its responsibilities.
- His generals’ restrictive military orders in Afghanistan and the president’s demoralizing rhetoric about not seeking “victory” have contributed to a doubling of military casualties in that country.
- The president has politicized the military through advancing a gay agenda that has nothing to do with military effectiveness and by introducing a dangerous and symbolic conversion to biofuels in the U.S. Navy.
- The president has hypocritically chided the American people for not obeying certain environmental imperatives, meanwhile violating nearly every one of such admonishments personally.
- The president and the first lady have harassed the American people to consume food according to “healthy” guidelines, while personally violating their own guidelines constantly.
- The government has been spending taxpayer money to promote the supposed benefits of its own policies.
- The government has been subsidizing “non-profit” organizations whose often controversial goals do not represent the American people’s interest as a whole.
- President Obama passed a healthcare law that is an affront to religious freedom, since it compels religious institutions to violate their members’ conscience by promoting and funding contraception and abortions.
- The president lied about no public funding going towards abortion in his healthcare law.
- He also ‘lied’ about the healthcare law not being applicable to illegal immigrants.
- The president’s signature healthcare law has also been exposed in the courts to be likely unconstitutional and should be struck down as such. The healthcare law is a flagrant violation of individual rights, as it demands that the citizen engage in commerce, and puts the life and health of every man, woman, and child in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats.
- The president has imposed billions of dollars in regulatory burdens upon companies and small businesses.
- He has done nothing about the U.S.’ highest corporate tax rates in the world, driving overseas much-needed jobs.
- The president imposed a number of tax increases that impact the lower and middle class.
- He also deceptively raised taxes after his next election year to pay for “Obamacare.”
- Obamacare did not and will not lower healthcare costs in any way, shape, matter, or form, although it was touted as such.
- His massive program threatens to fundamentally alter the relationship of government to the citizenry; effectively transforming people into wards of the state and political subjects.
- The government used Americans’ money to bail out foreseeably failing European nations without repercussion.
- The president’s administration has leaked intelligence secrets to the press for seemingly political reasons.
- One of the worst political scandals in U.S. history, a gun-running scheme that resulted in hundreds of deaths known as “Operation Fast & Furious,” which carried implications for gun law arguments, transpired on Obama’s watch without accountability for the highest officials implicated.
- The president has warped the economic infrastructure of the nation by directing productive activity away from consumer demand and towards fulfilling government orders and initiatives. The billions in green energy funding has resulted in little more than waste, corruption, and crowding out in the marketplace.
- President Obama has done nothing about the ponderous social welfare programs whose unsustainable debt financing threatens to bankrupt the nation within a generation.
- The president and his party have demonized any who seek to seriously and responsibly address the nation’s real problems as “terrorists,” “extremists,” “hostage takers,” and worse.
- Although required by law to pass a budget each fiscal year, the president and his party have not passed a budget in over 1,000 days.
- Both the president and his party have subsequently blamed their opposition party as “obstructionist,” even though the Democrats control two-thirds of the branches of government.
- The president appointed political partisans to the Supreme Court who have Constitutionally questionable legal rationales. Justice Elena Kagan is ruling on the constitutionality of a healthcare law that she officially advocated for instead of recusing herself from hearing the case.
- The president not only failed to uphold the territorial integrity of the United States by forcefully opposing illegal immigration, but he has legally attacked states that have sought to do so.
- His Justice Department has fought states that are taking measures to prevent voter fraud in the upcoming national election, arguing speciously that checking for voter’s citizenship is “racist.”
- Previously, the same Justice department refused to protect the voting rights of citizens on racial grounds.
- The Obama campaign has contracted with Internet companies to engage in widespread data mining in order to construct political profiles of prospective voters.
- Candidate Obama one time boasted about wanting a “civilian national security force” just as well-funded and equipped as the United States military. Of course, such a concept is hostile to Constitutionally limited government and any domestic standing army would become a permanent threat to civil liberties if it were to be established.
- The Department of Homeland Security issued a report on “right-wing extremist” groups that included potential threats as Constitutional government proponents, Ron Paul supporters, and returning veterans.
- The Obama campaign has consistently smeared its opponents as racists, misogynists, and other kinds of bigots, without proof. He has constantly provoked a political atmosphere of incivility.
- In addition, the president and his advocates constantly frame him as the victim, even though he is the most powerful man in the world.
- The Transportation Security Administration under Obama has humiliated and denigrated hundreds of passengers, including women and children, all in the name of “political correctness.”
- Terrorist actions have occurred on American soil under Obama; although his administration has changed nomenclature or simply ignored terrorist events to suggest they didn’t actually take place. The Fort Hood massacre is one such example.
- The president has interjected himself into local political and news matters to exploit them for partisan purposes.
- President Obama noticeably lacks patriotism when it comes to celebrating national holidays, showing reverence for the military, and touting American exceptionalism. He has skipped several veteran’s or patriotic events or has celebrated them in spurious, non-symbolic fashion.
- The president has ideologically attacked the economic and political foundations of the country, referring to them in some cases as “failed theories.” He has stated that the Constitution is “deeply flawed,” for one example.
- Obama does not openly and consistently endorse the Constitutional foundations of this country; namely, individual rights, liberty, and limited government. Instead, he emphasizes collectivist principles laudable in society and conflates them with the role of government.
- President Obama has failed to articulate a clear vision for the country. This is presumably because he has a hidden agenda and is managing things on a day-to-day basis pragmatically as he gains power.
- The president brazenly and intentionally confuses the accumulation of state power with “progress” in the public mind.
- The American public has been barraged since the inception of the Obama administration with a number of petty outrages and distractions to frustrate the coalescence of opposition to any one particular policy.
- He has not given the public ample time to debate or provide feedback on proposed policies.
- The president championed his healthcare proposal for nearly a year before the Democrat Congress forced it down an opposing public’s throats.
- President Obama has insulted other branches of government while carrying out official duties; such as by condemning the Supreme Court for a decision during his State of the Union address.
- The executive branch has centralized an unprecedented amount of power; often at the expense of the legislature and the states.
- The President has clearly failed to uphold his Oath of Office by knowingly and willfully refusing to steadfastly preserve, protect, and defend The Constitution of the United States.
- And finally… none of the previous thousand reasons to vote against Barack Obama has a single, solitary thing to do with the fact that he is black.
This is the tenth and final post in this series.
Kyle Becker blogs at RogueGovernment, and can be followed on Twitter as @RogueOperator1. He writes freelance for several publications, including American Thinker, Misfit Politics, and OwntheNarrative, and is a regular commentator on the late night talk shows at OTNN. He holds an M.A. in International Studies and is an advanced PhD. student in Political Science.
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