
The Muslim Brotherhood

In my last article I told you about the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood in our country and our government. In previous articles I have provided some insight into the goals of radial Islam in an effort to enlighten Americans on the subject.  Robert Spencer wrote a pamphlet of the same issue which you can download at: https://frontpagemag.com/downloads/ or watch the video:

The War on Terror has been changed to be something different, but remains the same issue nonetheless. There are those on the Hill who seemingly would like to parade around the terms in an effort to dismiss the severity of the issues.  The Supreme leader of Islam, Ali Khamenei continues to flaunt his ideals suggesting the United States has “rejected” Israel.  He continues: the only real “obstacle” in the way are the Saudi Royal Family and once they are eliminated Israel can be destroyed.

754px Gra...The hatred of anyone outside of Islam persists with the death of Coptic Pope Shenouda III.  Many Egyptian Muslims displayed their condolences to Christians while Islam Clerics pointed out it is against Sharia Law to offer condolences to the Copts (all non-Muslims are destined and deserving of hell, Koran 9: 113).

Sheikh Wagdi Ghoneim, a former mosque prayer leader from California, called the Pope an”accursed criminal.”  May 17, 2012 he said, ” Thanks be to Allah, the head of infidelity and polytheism, this so-called Shenouda, died—may Allah be avenged on him.  He perished, and all were relieved of him—people, worshippers, trees, and animals; Egypt is relieved of him, for he initiated sectarian strife.”

For more information on Islam read, “Did You Know” which provides verifiable information regarding Islam and its growth within our government.


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Gina Aveni

Gina is a Journalist, Constitutional Rights Activist, Conservative Commentator.

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