N.O.W. Protest–Success Or ???
While doing research I visited the National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) website. My attention was drawn to one of their hot topic items, that of the recent organized protest against Rush Limbaugh. I was surprised since I thought this issue had died out weeks, if not months ago, following Rush’s apology. Still, since I’d heard about the planned protest I was curious to read their thoughts. You can read them here. It’s a completely positive piece about their group including a picture of a half dozen protesters with signs.
Sounds good, right? Sure, until you read other articles and realize there were a total of seven, yes, seven women on the street. (You don’t have to torture yourself and listen to their whole argument, just check out the camera’s pan and know that is the whole group.)
Honestly, if it were my group and we had such a lackluster turn out I’d probably skip the follow up article. But then, there are likely true believers in the N.O.W. cause who will read it and pump their fists cheering their fellow feminists on…without realizing their true numbers.