Did You Know?
You may feel as though you are well aware of the events that seem to shape the world today? Perhaps you feel as though they are beyond your power to change? And then again, you might be inclined as many American’s are, to state you don’t care about politics. In either case even the most diligent American would have a hard time keeping up with all the rhetoric on a daily basis that continues to plague the world we live in. It hard to keep up on the facts, and even harder to recognize what is fact and what is fiction on the Hill, when integrity seems to be a thing of the past. The reality is, despite the attempts to dismiss the threat of radical Islam by the media and government officials, Islam is very much close to home and a real threat to our national security. The majority of people are under the impression there is no cause for alarm; they fail to recognize the depth of the infiltration of Islam which is deeply rooted in our U.S. culture, society, and government.
Ironically, probably 99 percent of American’s probably don’t know most of what I am about to tell you. If they do know, and discuss it publicly, they are either criticized, dismissed, or marginalized. To a certain extent we have become complacent and have allowed our government to spiral out of control while those we elect have their own self-serving agendas. Career Politicians seem to feel as tho they are the voice for us, yet the words they choose behind close doors would probably make most of us cringe.
This year, and election year, you may want to take a closer look at who your voting for because not caring, lack of interest, or the other typical excuse “I’m not interested in politics” are all reasons that could contribute to the downfall of the United States as you believe it to be. As an American you have a moral, ethical, and civic duty to care about the people you put into office, because they not only effect you, they have a significant impact on generations to come – not caring, lack of interest, or whatever the reason is what got us here in the first place.
Did you know:
There are real threats to the United States by Terrorists?
Did you know:
One of those threats included the use of Anthrax, brought in through Mexico to the U.S via our unprotected borders. Had they succeeded 330,000 American’s would have died in one hour.
Did you know:
There are undocumented people from more than 130 countries who have entered the U.S. illegally?
Did you know:
Since 2010 there have been multiple plots to smuggle “weapons of mass effect” into the U.S.?
Did you know:
According to Border Patrol Estimates, between 2010 & 2011 only 5 percent of individuals crossing the border illegally were apprehended?
Did you know:
February 2, 2012 – Michael Braun, former chief of operations @drug enforcement agency, testified before a Congressional foreign affairs committee. He testified Hezbollah has developed, strong ties to drug cartels. He said, “These groups allow them to operate freely in our neighborhood and they are getting closer to our door-step. He continued … there will be hell to pay in the not to distant future.”
Did you know:
Iran has reached an agreement to build missile bases in South America – close enough to hit the U.S.?
Did you know:
There are active members of the Muslim Brotherhood working within the U.S. Government with access to the president?
Did you know:
February 26, 1993 radical Islamists declared Jihad on American soil – a bomb went off at the base of the World Trade Center?
Did you know:
Freedom and Justice are the slogans for the political party of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt?
Did you know:
Umar Ahmad Ali Abdel Rahmah, aka “Omar Ahmed – Ali” aka “Omar Abdel Al-Rahman” was the mastermind behind the bombing? He entered the U.S. despite having a warrant for his arrest from Egypt for the murder of Anwar Sadat.
Did you know:
In 2004 the FBI raided the home of Ismail Salim Elbarasse, alias Abdul Hassan in Annandale, VA. He was the founding member & finance officer for an Islamic school & center in Falls Church, VA, named Dar al-Hijrah. The Islamic center hosted some of the U.S. Islamic militants namely: Abdurahman al-Amoudi . He was jailed in 1998 for 9 months, along with Abdelhaleem Ashqar, for refusing to testify in terrorist funding.
Did you know:
In that raid, in a sub-basement, they found a 1991 Explanatory Memorandum which held the strategic Goals for MB Groups in North America?
Did you know:
The Holy Land Foundation which was disguised as humanitarian group was actually a front for terrorist groups?
Did you know:
The Holy Land Foundation trial in 2008 was the largest Foundation trail ever held in the U.S.?
Did you know:
Among those indicted as co-conspirators was the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) & the Islamic Society in North America (ISNA)?
Did you know:
CAIR operates under the disguise of a Muslim Civil Liberties Advocacy Group, founded in 1994, with documented ties to Hamas and other terrorist groups?
Did you know:
In addition to CAIR and ISNA those indicted were: Shukri Abu Baker (02), Mohammad El-Mezain (03), Ghassan Elashi (04), Mufid Abdul Qader (07), and Abdulraham Odeh (08)?
Did you know:
CAIR has 32 chapters operating in the US?
Did you know:
The co-founder of ISNA, Sami AL-Arain plead guilty to terrorist charges, he has documented ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, and was named a co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial?
Did you know:
The trial exposed a number of Muslim Brotherhood fronts?
Did you know:
After the trial the groups did not disappear they simply regrouped under the disguise of other civil liberties groups?
Did you know:
Despite the fact these groups have terrorist ties they remain trusted sources for many of our news outlets such as CNN and MSNBC? (CNN – Nihad Awad; MSNBC – Ibrahim Hooper, Council on American Islamic Relations).
Did you know:
Members of CAIR, et.al., are trained in public relations, media management, etc.?
Did you know:
CAIR produced and made public, “The Islamophobes Nightmare?”
Did you know:
One of the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood is a military term called Information Dominance, whose objective is to shape the perception of them ultimately giving them the upper hand in defeating their enemy? The objective of the MB is to destroy America from within.
Did you know:
Another goal of radical Islam, the MB, is the re-establishment of the Islamic Caliphate – an Islamic super-state which would destroy the US and Israel?
Did you know?
President Obama talked about the Arab Spring as a good thing while radical Islamists took advantage of the chaos in Egypt? The Muslim Brotherhood controls around 80% of Egypt at the time this was written.
Did you know?
Former Ann Arbor, MI resident, Bassem Kahfaji, Egyptian presidential candidate vows to implement Islamic Law in Egypt? (shari’a law). He was the former director of community affairs for CAIR, he was arrested and later convicted in 2003 on terrorism charges? He was deported.
Did you know?
The Creed for the Muslim Brotherhood, since its indoctrination in 1928 is: “Jihad is our way. Dying in the name of Allah is our highest hope.”
Did you know?
James R.Clapper, retired lieutenant general in the United States Air Force and is currently the Director of National Intelligence made a very dangerous statement when he stated the “Muslim Brotherhood is largely a secular organization“?
Did you know?
The Muslim Brotherhood continues to expand in the U.S? They have infiltrated and continue to advise the White House, State Dept, CIA, FBI, DHS.
Did you know?
In 2009 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) positioned Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development? Alikhan was a career prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice from 1997-2006. During that time, he served as Chief of the Cyber and Intellectual Crimes Section for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles and as a Senior Advisor to the U.S. Attorney General in Washington, D.C., where he oversaw the national Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property Program for the Department of Justice. Just prior to his appointment he participated in a fundraiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). MPAC has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, President Obama appointed David Heymen as Assistant Secretary for Policy. Heymen comes from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
Did you know?
Arif Ailkhan called Hezbollah a “liberation movement?”
Did you know?
In 1991, a memo written by Mohamed Akram for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood spelled out the objective of the organization. Akram said the Muslim Brotherhood “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
Did you know?
In 2002 Mohamed Elibiary, Founder & President of Freedom & Justice Foundation in Plano, TX was appointed to the Homeland Security Advisory Council. Rep. Louie Gohmert R-Texas, 1st District reported Elibiary had access to security documents and on October 26, 2011 he took sensitive reports from Texas Department of Public Safety. Janet Napolitano, head of DHS, stated she would look into the matter. As of April 12, 2012 the committee has not received a response.
Did you know:
Salam Al Marayati (Los Angeles, CA) is the founder, president of MPAC, was denied a leadership position in 1999 for the National Commission on Terrorism. He has ties to terrorist groups and Hezbollah; he wants Hezbollah and Hamas removed from US terrorist groups list, and considers Hezbollah a legitimate organization with the right to attack Israel..
Did you know?
In 2010 President Obama appointed Rashad Hussain to a prominent envoy position at the State Department. A background check showed in 2004 Hussain spoke at a Muslim Brotherhood Affiliate – MB Student Association Annual Conference. He spoke in support of convicted terrorist Sami Al – Arian and criticized US terror prosecutions. 2009 -2010 he served as Deputy Associate Counsel to President Obama.
Did you know?
The very first Islamic National Islamic organization in America was founded in 1962, at the University of IL-Urbana, called the Muslim Student Association?
Did you know?
In 2007 NY police report on Radicalization – Student organizations are used for the recruitment and development of extremists?
Did you know?
The North American Islamic Trust in Plainfield, IN funds the Muslim Students Association?
Did you know?
The North American Islamic Trust was named as an unedited co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Trail?
Did you know?
In February 2012 – NYPD identified 12 former members of the Muslim Student Organization Association. They were later arrested or convicted on terrorism charges?
Did you know?
Anwar Al-Awlaki, the former head of AlQaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, was the mentor to the Ft. Hood shooter, and the Underwear bomber. He was also the president of the Muslim Student Association at Colorado State University?
Did you know?
In March 2012 Reza Naqdi, head of Iran’s BAsij Parliamentary forces said, “As long as America exists, we will not rest.” America is Iran’s ultimate target?
Did you know?
According to Professor William Forstcher if the United States were to experience an EMP attack 90 percent of all Americans would die within 12-18 months after the attack.
Did you know?
Rep Roscoe Bartlett-R Maryland – 2008 study done confirmed Professor Forstcher statements.
Did you know?
Rep Bartlett introduced House Bill H.R. 5026 with authorized the federal government to take emergency measures to protect the United States from solar flares or an EMP attack? This bill passed the House of Representatives unanimously in August 2010.
Did you know?
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski – D, killed the bill in favor of a clean energy bill which was back by senate democrats?
Did you know?
This all began under the Clinton Administration?
Did you know?
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top aid since 1996 is Huma Abedin. Former Palestinian terrorist, now converted Christian Walid Shoebat, says that Abedin was never properly screened..Shoebat reports that Abedin “is closely associated with her Muslim Brotherhood family and even joined Clinton at an event with her mother, Saleha Abedin, at Dar El-Hekma College in Saudi Arabia. Clinton recently overruled the Immigration and Nationality Act by allowing Tariq Ramadan entry into the United States. Ramadan, described as an independent power center within the MB, is the grandson of the founder of the MB. He has been banned to travel in the US since 2004 for his contributions to Hamas and links to radical Islamists.
So what do you think? Time to take and active interest in your country?
1 Clabough, Raven.2011. Self-avowed Muslim Marxist Says White House Tied to Muslim Brotherhood. Read more: https://blog.beliefnet.com/watchwomanonthewall/2011/08/self-avowed-muslim-marxist-says-white-house-tied-to-muslim-brotherhood.html#ixzz1tkbf6PBl