1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama – Part II

  1. Obama deprives GM bondholders of their rightful compensation in order to maintain perquisites for United Auto Workers, which drove the company into bankruptcy to begin with. This is in violation of Article 1: Section 8 clause on uniform bankruptcies.
  2. Despite being called a “success,” at least 16,500 jobs were lost due to GM and Chrysler plant closures.
  3. Dealerships contracted with GM & Chrysler all over the country were shut down. Evidence shows that Democrat-donating dealers were rescued from shutdowns.
  4. Obama’s touted “cash for clunkers” program was a fiasco that led to program mismanagement, taxpayer subsidized waste, and a temporary boost leading to original purchase levels.
  5. Thousands of cars were destroyed, harming the ability of the poor to have cheap transportation.
  6. Evidence shows that the program led only to an increase in national fuel efficiency of 0.65 miles per gallon.
  7. As part of the GM takeover, Obama authorized billions to be spent subsidizing the electric-powered Chevy Volt.
  8. The car was later proven to be prone to spontaneous combustion. Every single Chevy Volt sold, all 8,000 of them, were recalled.
  9. High campaign contributor General Electric received billions in subsidies and green energy tax breaks under Obama. In fact, GE paid zero taxes in 2010 on $14.2 billion in “profit.”
  10. General Electric spent more than $65.7 million on lobbying during the Obama administration – more than any other company.
  11. Former GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt was made Obama’s “Jobs Czar,” technically, the head of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. Immelt once lamented that America was not more like Germany, where “business and government work… as a pack.” As writer Timothy Carney points out, Germany is 49 of 57 countries ranked in terms of nascent entrepreneurship, and “the biggest German companies today – Allianz, Deutsche Bank, Daimler, Siemens, Volkswagen, Krupp – were the biggest companies 90 years ago.”
  12. GE has sent tens of thousands of its jobs overseas under Obama.
  13. GE spearheaded the commission that pushed through the ban on incandescent light bulbs. The company, along with Phillips, stood to make billions on toxic and overhyped compact flourescent lightbulbs. In the meantime, GE closed the last major incandescent plant in the country, meaning lost jobs here and thousands gained in China. The light bulb ban was later defunded by the Republican-led House, but not overturned.
  14. GE’s previously owned company MSNBC was notorious on both right and left for showing indisputably favorable coverage to Barack Obama during the 2008 election campaign. MSNBC was later bought out by Comcast, which now has a 51% majority share.
  15. Another major green energy supplier, Solyndra, was famously given at least $535 million in government loans to produce solar energy panels, but later had to file bankruptcy.
  16. Solyndra was led by Tulsa Billionaire George Kaiser, a key Obama fundraiser who donated $53,500 to the president’s election campaign, and raised between $50,000 and $100,000 for the same cause.
  17. The Solyndra workers on unemployment received bonus payments of $13,000 each due to a trade law, in addition to their unemployment compensation.
  18. As reported by CBS, Solyndra was recently caught on film destroying millions in parts.
  19. Solyndra was a relatively minor recipient of green energy loans and subsidies. As reported by the NY Times, NRG Energy received nearly $1.6 billion to provide solar energy to about 100,000 homes. As the article points out, green energy companies can receive cash grants of up to 30% of a project up front instead of taking tax breaks in the future. This would mean NRG Energy can get a $430 million “bonus” after the project is completed.
  20. According to the Department of Energy, “clean energy” loans total over $35 billion, producing just 62,500 jobs. That calculates to $565,000 per job.
  21. The man Obama selected to oversee the Department of Energy, Steven Chu, once explicitly compared the American public to teenagers who need to be “educated” on the merits of “green energy.”
  22. Admitted communist Van Jones, who once said on live radio that his intention was to overthrow capitalism through the means of “eco-capitalism,” was tapped as Obama’s “Green Jobs Czar.” A former White House aide provides a testimonial that everyone who works close to the president is thoroughly vetted.
  23. Van Jones was later forced to resign, after months of major media stonewalling, only after it was discovered that the man was a verifiable 9/11 “Truther.”
  24. Van Jones was selected for the position by Obama confidante Valerie Jarrett, a fellow-traveling radical whose father Vernon Davis was a card-carrying communist who knew Frank Marshall Davis. Valerie Jarrett’s mentor was Marilyn Katz, who worked security for Students for a Democratic Society, knows William Ayers intimately, and penned a book with famous communist Carl Davidson.
  25. Former head of the Environmental Protect Agency Carol M. Browner, director of Obama’s Energy and Climate Change policy from 2009-2011, was reported by the Washington Times to have been a member of the Socialist Internationale’s Commission for a Sustainable World Society. (Note the number and variety of world leaders.)
  26. Obama’s “Science Czar” John Holdren once co-wrote a book advocating forced abortions, and widespread sterilization. He also advocating centralizing world government control of all natural resources under a “Planetary Regime.”
  27. Obama’s “Regulatory Czar” Cass Sunstein wrote a book on how to “nudge” people in government’s desired direction, while advocating methods such as using copyright laws to achieve an “optimum chilling effect”  over  free speech, and to eliminate “conspiracy theories,” such as manmade global warming theory being a fraud.
  28. President Obama appointed former Bush adviser Howard Schmidt to be an unaccountable “Cyber Czar.” The announcement came as the Pentagon opened up its own cybercommand unit and the Department of Homeland Security hired 1,000 cybersecurity specialists.
  29. FCC Chair Julius Genachowski implemented rules tantamount to “Net Neutrality,” despite a court order reprimanding the agency for lacking the authority to do so. The House voted to strike down the “Open Internet” regulations, but the Senate recently voted against nullifying them.  The regulations are currently in force, but it is unclear how long they will last.
  30. Lightsquared, a wireless technology firm, was given FCC exemptions to build out a 4G wireless network, allowing it to acquire bandwidth on the cheap. The owner of the company Phil Falcone was a campaign contributor to Obama to the tune of $30,400.
  31. Thousands of emails acquired under FOIA request suggest that the Obama administration pressured Air Force General William Shelton to stifle criticism of a potential Lightsquared military contract that the company’s operations could interfere with the military’s GPS positioning system.
  32. According to the Examiner, then-Senator Barack Obama was steered by financial advisor George Haywood into investing $90,000 in Lightsquared when it was called Skyterra. Billionaire investor George Soros, a well-known financier of radical causes, was also prominent as an investor.
  33. The BP oil spill, the largest in U.S. history, was only slowed after action was taken by the administration 40 days into the spill. Former Clinton strategist James Carville took the president to task for his lack of leadership on the matter.
  34. BP was strongarmed by the president into creating a $20 billion escrow account for damage claims, in violation of Fifth Amendment due process rights.
  35. President Obama enacted and extended an offshore drilling moratorium in the Gulf  of Mexico after the spill. Despite a federal court order over-ruling the moratorium, Obama continued it anyway.  As ABC News reported, months after the BP oil spill leak was plugged, clean up crews could not find the oil spill, as the Gulf had apparently broken it up. The administration promised to lift the moratorium in late 2010, but rescinded it and instead established a seven-year moratorium.
  36. The oil moratorium cost American workers at least 19,000 jobs and $1.1 billion in wages. The Gulf drilling company Seahawk was forced into bankruptcy.
  37. The Export-Import Bank, whose chair was selected by Obama, guaranteed a loan of $2 billion to Brazilian oil company Petrobras SA for offshore oil drilling. A widely distributed, but obviously erroneous article filled with half-truths and distortions published by Forbes admits that Obama contributor and fundraiser George Soros indeed did profit from holding shares in Petrobras SA.
  38. This is what President Obama said on his visit to Brazil in March 2011, “We want to help you with the technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely. And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers.”
  39. In the first year of Obama’s administration, he won the Nobel Peace Prize, even though wars overseas were still ongoing, and future undeclared wars and conflicts were yet to be carried out by the man.
  40. President Obama is the only commander-in-chief to violate the War Powers Act. As ABC reported, Obama was warned ahead of time by Congress and he ignored it.
  41. In President Obama’s acceptance speech, he said, “One urgent example is the effort to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, and to seek a world without them. ” Calling this agenda a “centerpiece” of his foreign policy, the president dismissed the contention held by numerous scholars that nuclear weapons likely prevented World War III. Getting the United States to disband its nuclear weapons program was a major centerpiece of the former USSR’s active measures campaign, which was carried out by such institutions as the communist front World Peace Council.
  42. Obama’s Secretary of State offered a “reset” button to Russia early on in his administration. Labeled peregruzka, the button actually said “overcharge” in Russian. The correct term is perezagruzka.
  43. President Obama cancelled plans to station an anti-ballistic missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic.
  44. The president narrows the conditions under which nuclear weapons are authorized to be used, including ruling them out for retaliation against chemical and biological attack from non-nuclear states that are in compliance with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
  45. At the end of 2011, Russia threatens to pull out of START, due to complaints about its conventional arms build-up in Europe. In 2008, Russia pulled out of the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe treaty, which had limited regional military presence on the European continent, and also launched a military campaign into Georgia after meddling in that state’s territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Obama shared data with Russia on U.S. forces in Europe, while discussions with Russia over developing and even joint administering an ABM defense system in Europe led to vehement saber-rattling from the Kremlin.
  46. Russia helped Iran build a nuclear power plant in Bushehr, and despite denials by the Democrats in the not-so-distant past, the Iranians have a nuclear weapons program. Obama complained of the effect of sanctions on Iran’s economy, though remaining unable to get Russia and China on board with implementing the sanctions.
  47. Iran threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz in December 2011, while taunting the U.S. Navy there.
  48. Obama dispatched a team of dolphins to deal with the situation.
  49. In 2011, the United States loses a sophisticated spy drone in Iran. President Obama is rebuffed when he asks the rogue state for the drone back. Instead, the Iranians offer a miniature model to the president.
  50. Early in his administration, President Obama, acting as an official head of state, bowed deeply to the Saudi prince.
  51. President Obama botches the traditional bow to the Japanese emperor, displaying weakness to the country.
  52. When Barack Obama first moved into the Oval Office, he sent ally Britain back its gift of a Winston Churchill bust.
  53. President Obama gave Prime Minister Gordon Brown a gift set of DVDs not even formatted correctly for play in Europe.
  54. Obama gave the queen an Ipod with his speeches on it. Michelle Obama breaks obvious protocol and hugs the queen.
  55. When Obama visited Westminster Abbey in 2011, he signed the guest book May 24, 2008.
  56. President Obama made a joke on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno about a recent bowling game, ““I bowled a 129….it was like Special Olympics, or something.”
  57. Actually, the president bowled a 37.
  58. When President Obama threw out the first pitch at baseball game, he nearly launched it into the bleachers.
  59. While praising troops at Fort Drum, NY for their service in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama said, “A comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.”  Wrong hero.  Sgt. 1st Class Jared Monti was killed in action. Another soldier, Staff Sgt. Sal Giunta, was the first living recipient of the Medal of Honor that fought in Afghanistan.
  60. Obama famously failed to salute the flag while Senator as he attended a steak fry with Tom Harkin in Indianola, IA 2007.
  61. Five days before Obama was elected, he said that he wanted to “fundamentally transform” America. Cause you know, that’s why we elect presidents.
  62. In an interview given before he was sworn in to be president, Barack Obama states that the Constitution had “deep flaws.”
  63. Barack Obama claims he is fighting something “uncomfortably similar” to Nazism in the United States.
  64. President Obama was the top corporate campaign donations recipient during the 2008 elections, far exceeding John McCain. Three of Obama’s top contributors were Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, and Google.
  65. Although Obama’s Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner never worked for Goldman Sachs, his adviser Gene Perling did.  Sachs received preferential treatment during TARP, because its investments in AIG were effectively insured by the U.S. government. AIG was pushed off a cliff, and then taken over by the government. GS was compensated for what would have been “toxic assets.” Goldman Sachs alum Hank Paulson, who was Treasury Secretary at the time of the bailout hostile takeover, insisted the AIG CEO step aside for fellow Goldman Sachs alum Edward Liddy, who even held millions in Goldman Sachs shared at the time.
  66. On the campaign trail, after Liddy (who was working for a salary of $1) was excoriated for authorizing a $444,000 retreat for AIG staff, President Obama said that AIG executives should give the money back and its heads should be fired. Liddy was AIG head until late August 2009.
  67. The Obama administration hired several Goldman Sachs alums, such as GS lobbyist Mark Patterson, unusual for an administration more stacked with academics than businessmen. The ties are deep and murky, and includes a revolving door of Goldman Sachs alums in such institutions as the NY Fed, where Geithner was the Chair.
  68. President Obama’s first budget director Peter Orszag, a career academic who became a protege of Goldman alum Robert Rubin, left the administration after a year and a half to draw a multi-million dollar check from Citigroup, where Rubin sat on the board.
  69. President Obama once said, “Contrary to the claims of some of my critics, I am an ardent believer in the free market.”
  70. As a candidate, Barack Obama famously remarked to “Joe the Plumber”, “I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.”
  71. He also said, “I, like most of the American people, don’t begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free-market system.” This was after Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein received a $9 million bonus and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dillon received a $17 million payoff. Both firms received bailouts.
  72. Obama also said, ““My administration is the only thing between you [CEO’s] and the pitchforks. “ He may have been right.
  73. After Timothy Geithner, who earlier oversaw the initial stages of the AIG “bailout” as Chair of the NY Fed, proposed a bank tax to recoup AIG bonuses, Obama said, “Like it or not, we have to have a financial system that is healthy and functioning.”
  74. One company heavy into carbon investments, and would make huge profits on a cap-and-trade regime was Goldman Sachs.
  75. Obama supported cap-and-trade, which would have caused a huge burden on those paying for public utilities.
  76. Obama once publicly said, “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”
  77. Obama fails to build an international consensus to do something collaboratively on “climate change.”
  78. Despite a personal appeal, Obama does not deliver the Olympics to Chicago. Brazil wins the bid for 2016.
  79. As Obama once said, “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times… and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen.“
  80. Obama dismissed Republican attacks on the massive size of the stimulus by saying, “What do you think a stimulus is? It’s spending – that’s the whole point! Seriously.”
  81. Obama once remarked about disgraced, defunded, and disbanded community organization ACORN as,“I’ve been fighting with Acorn, alongside Acorn, on issues you care about, my entire career.”
  82. Former SEIU chief Andy Stern’s association with the Alinskyite “radical pragmatist” community organizer Barack Obama run long and deep: Obama gushed  about the SEIU, “We look after each other!” during his campaign, which was funded by the union to the tune of $60 million. Stern unashamedly spouts Marxist rhetoric and admires China.
  83. Post-election, Stern was the most frequent visitor to the White House.
  84. That title was taken over by Richard Trumka, head of the AFL-CIO. Trumka publicly expressed “solidarity” with Marxists and other socialists (and interestingly blasted Sarah Palin for being McCarthyist).
  85. Before Obama gave a Labor Day speech, Teamster’s president James Hoffa Jr. said, “President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.” Obama later said nothing about the incendiary language.
  86. President Obama remarked before the 2010 Congressional elections, ”If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us’ – if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election – then I think it’s going to be harder. And that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.”
  87. Obama once said of his white grandmother, “The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn’t. But she is a typical white person who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know, there’s a reaction that’s been bred into our experiences that don’t go away, and that sometimes comes out in the wrong way, and that’s just the nature of race in our society.”
  88. Obama infamously said of Christian conservatives, “It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
  89. Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter, in a book favorable to Obama, said the president referred to the tea party constituents in terms of the sexual epithet “teabaggers.”
  90. Obama then mocked the tea party publicly by demonstrably characterizing them as, “waiving their tea bags around.”
  91. After the Occupy Wall Street movement appeared, Obama expressed empathy with the protesters.  The Occupy Wall Street movement compared itself to the Arab Spring.
  92. Obama then compared the Occupy Wall Street movement to the tea party. While the Occupy movement led to thousands of arrests, the tea party caused no known arrests.
  93. President Obama admitted to smoking marijuana. He said, “I did. It’s not something that I’m proud of. It was a mistake as a young man, but you know? I mean not going to — I never understood that line. The point was to inhale. That was the point.”
  94. Obama as cited in Dreams from My Father, “Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack [heroin] though.”
  95. While on the campaign trail, Obama said, “I’ve now been in 57 states—I think one left to go.” Obviously, there are only 50 states.
  96. On one occasion, Obama accentuated his 57 states gaffe, “I hope I said 100,000 people the first time instead of 100 million. I understand I said there were 57 states today. It’s a sign that my numeracy is getting a little, uh.” At that point, his advisers led him away.
  97. There aren’t 57 U.S. states, but there are coincidentally 57 Muslim states. Obama once said of the religion, “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”
  98. After the Egyptian uprising, President Obama wielded diplomacy to force out that country’s strongman Hosni Mubarak.
  99. Egypt’s parliamentary elections brought to power the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, and the hardline Islamist Al Nur party placed second.
  100. Women represent less than 2% of the parliamentary seats, not surprising in a country where women had been beaten in the streets by the police, and CBS’ news correspondent Lara Logan was brutally gang raped (though its network gave the event scant coverage). The Obama administration offered praise for the Egyptian elections.

This is the second in a ten part series. Continued here


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  1. Banning cars, buildings, light bulbs based on energy use is particularly pointless, since market competition both increases choice and reduces energy use:
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