#Resist44: the Conservative Alternative to #Gen44
There’s a new hashtag brewing on Twitter these days and it’s creating a lot of buzz.
#Resist44 popped up on Twitter a few nights ago and so far hundreds of posts with the hashtag are showing up in timelines. The movement of younger voters ages 18 – 40 (though one post says 18 – 30) aims to motivate and mobilize young conservatives who may feel they aren’t an accurately represented voter base.
One post reads, “Sick of the indoctrination methods of our Occupier in Chief? Young and motivated? Join #Resist44 the counter movement to #Gen44”
President Obama’s reelection team started the #Gen44 hashtag earlier this year.
” …we created Generation Forty Four or Gen44 for short—a council to cultivate and empower a rising generation of leaders in the Democratic Party. Gen44 will work with this groundbreaking group, all under the age of 40, to serve as a platform for political mobilization…”
Ironically for a campaign team that thrived on social media in the 2008 campaign, the Obama reelection campaign is struggling this time around. #Gen44 was usurped almost immediately after its Twitter introduction by conservatives using the hashtag to post snarky and sarcastic comments about young Obama voters and the administration itself.
Several other hashtag attempts have failed for the Obama campaign like #TruthTeam, #AttackWatch and #ILikeObamacare.
#Resist44 is short for Resistance 44, which has a private social media group and a small army of activists with big plans for the future. Claiming to have truth on their side, Resistance 44 promises to counter the attacks and lies of the “Obama Zombies” as the election draws closer.
“Resistance 44 has been created to draw a stark contrast between those young misguided minds campaigning for Obama and young minds that value freedom, liberty and American Exceptionalism. We are unapologetic freedom loving activists who see Obama as a threat to freedom…” – Resistance 44