Stumped: Axelrod Can’t Explain Why Senate Dems Won’t Pass A Budget
On FOX News last night, senior Obama advisor David Axelrod was unable to explain why Senate Democrats have refused to produce a budget resolution for what is now 1,057 days. He initially tried to suggest that “dynamics in the Senate” were to blame, but as anchor Bret Baier pointed out, budgets are privileged documents that only require a simple majority to pass.
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Great interview Brett! Man Axelrod stumbled and bumbled his way through that question. This is THE question that W/H reporters should be hammering Obama with at every turn. Of course Obama has no honest answer to the why no budget in over 1000 days question, simply because to be honest would expose fake Democrats for who they truly are. Disengenious politicians who do not want the people to see just how bad our fiscal situation really is… while continuing to spend borrowed money to further empower themselves over the people through government dependency.