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Proof That Romney Is Willing To Say ANYTHING To Get Elected

Willard Romney won six out of ten states last night, but you have to wonder how many voters saw this video before casting their ballots.  In it, he brags about how he was able to secure “over $410 Million” from the federal government to help fund the 2002 Winter Olympics.  What’s odd is that he even talks about how helpful it is to have people inside Washington to manipulate the system and get you money.

“I’ve learned from my Olympic experience that if you have people that really understand how Washington works and have personal associations there, you can get money to help build economic development opportunities.”  -Mitt Romney

To be honest… It kind of sounds like he describes a “Washington insider”.  And it sounds like he thinks that “Washington insiders” are good people to have around.  Later in the video, he even brags about how he got an extra million dollars from the Department Of Education.  When discussing it, he grins and describes it as using “creativity”.

This is all somewhat odd, considering that Mitt Romney has placed so much emphasis on the fact that he’s “not a Washington insider”.  But it sounds like when he was vying to be governor of Massachusetts, he was absolutely willing to employ the talents of just such insiders.

Romney has had a hard time convincing Conservative voters that he’s the candidate that they’re looking for, and examples like this might be why.

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