
Mitt Romney: The Establishment Candidate

The Republican Establishment says Romney’s our man

“Vote for him” even if you’re no fan

“He’s the most conservative of them all”

“Vote for him,” and Obama will fall


Ann Coulter writes “Three Cheers for Romneycare”

And bootlicking is how we fight Obamacare?

What do Establishment Republicans stand for today?

As America’s freedoms fade away


The Tea Party is fighting the Republic’s fight

As the Establishment watches in fright

Must today’s conservative throw his principles away?

To one day see a brighter day?


We’ve all heard the party line before

As our candidates were shown the door

Dole and McCain were crowned

And soon thereafter we saw our hopes drowned


Time is now to slash the government in size

Or our great Republic will sink in demise

The welfare state Dragon must be slain

No time for another moderate to posture in vain


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