Ever feel like the U.S. government is trying to mind-frog you? It’s not your imagination.
Attorney General Eric Holder admits in a 1995 tape that he wanted to “brainwash” Americans into wanting stricter gun control laws. The legal hack said he contacted ad agencies in Washington D.C. to come up with PSAs (Propaganda Service Announcements), which are financed with our money, in order to get us to change our minds about weaponized self-defense.
The following are some of Holder’s comments to the Woman’s National Democratic Club as captured on C-SPAN:
This informational campaign, I’ve also called on newspapers and the television stations to devote to us time and space so that we can get these ads, so that we can use these spots, and not to give us one-two o’clock in the morning ads when nobody’s watching, but at a time when people, particularly young people, are watching television… so that they’ll see these ads and they’ll be grabbed by these ads.
Newspapers and television stations? Running ads hostile to the right of citizens to armed self-defense? Wait, it gets worse.
I’ve also asked people who have influence over youngsters — entertainers, athletes — to be involved in this program as well.
Entertainers? Athletes? What do these people have to do with guns? (Besides Plaxico Burress.) Holder was not finished.
But not only them, community leaders. Jesse Jackson, Mayor Barry, people who have credibility [sic] with young people should be on the television, on the radio, as much as we possibly can, telling these youngsters that it’s wrong to carry a gun, and if you have information about people who are carrying guns, you’ve got to share that with Chief Thomas and with his people as well.
Community leaders? Mayors? Who is Eric Holder leaving out? You’ve got it – the state’s go-to guys when it comes to indoctrinating our youth: the schools.
I’ve also asked the school board to make a part of every day some kind of anti-gun, anti-violence message. Every day, at every school, at every level. One thing that I think is clear with young people, and with adults as well, is that we just have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday, and then only do it every Monday. We need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Holder’s slimy statement provides a nice red thread to recovered ATF documents showing the goal of Operation Fast & Furious was to sucker Americans into kissing their gun rights goodbye. What I particularly enjoyed was Holder’s sophistic tying of “anti-gun” to “anti-violence” – as if they’re equivalent. Blaming objects for human behavior is classic Marxian doublespeak, but we’ll skip over that to get to the main point.
The nation’s top law enforcement official is hypothetically still on the hot seat for Operation Fast & Furious; that is, if the cowards in the Republican Party stop trying to run out the clock on our attention span. It doesn’t even matter if Holder knew about an illegal operation that was a clear violation of Mexican sovereignty. The operation was known in the Department of Justice, at least as high as the Deputy Attorney General, and resulted in thousands of deaths. If Holder didn’t know, he should have known.
The background on Operation Fast & Furious shows it was tailor-made for selling the soap to the public that we need more gun control. Holder’s statement bolsters the case that the operation was designed exactly for this purpose.
The bottom line is if the Obama administration is willing to sacrifice human lives as “collateral damage” in order to deprive us of our guns, what does that tell you about the intent of those currently running the government? That they care about our safety? That they feel obliged to follow the laws?
American better think deeply about the implications of this exposed government operation. It is imperative that alert and aware citizens act with utmost urgency to remove the reckless and dangerous minds that would come up with such a scheme.
Holder is a rotten egg running the local Mafioso in Washington while Georgie Schwartz SOROS runs the National chapter. Both are demons who should find themselves at INN-carceration.