ABC News That’s Not So New
One of the breaking headline news stories online from ABC News just today, Tuesday, March 6, 2012 reads: Green Firms Get Fed Cash, Give Exec Bonuses, Fail.
Ronnie Greene and Matthew Mosk, for ABC News, aggressively reporting news with an edge, convey how companies like Solyndra, Ener1and Beacon Power took money from the Department of Energy, paid bonuses to executives, then proceeded to file for bankruptcy. How unfortunate for Greene, Mosk and ABC News, that that edge of theirs is so desperately in need of major sharpening. Conservative journalists have been writing about this very topic, reporting this information about these companies for months.
More disturbing is, even when ABC finally does report this story, they still fail to report that many of the executives who received bonuses were contributors to “progressive” political campaigns. For example: Beacon Power’s CEO F. William Capp contributed to the 2008 Democratic presidential campaign as well as the campaigns of two Massachusetts Democrats. George Kaiser a primary Solyndra investor, company executives and board members all contributed to the 2008 presidential election campaign.
Where has ABC News, that great bastion of investigative journalism been all these months? Where was this distinguished member of the Fourth Estate?
The truth is, ABC intentionally withholds this type of information because they’re under orders to avoid shedding negative light upon the “progressive” left’s Exalted Leader. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and especially MSNBC, along with a staggeringly high number of print publications were busy burying this story, along with other stories about Fast and Furious, the NDAA power grab, upwardly spiraling gasoline prices, high unemployment, rising inflation, ballooning deficits, exploding debt, or that it’s been years since “progressive” Democrats in the United States Senate followed the law and simply passed a budget. Additionally, since January 2011, under the leadership of “progressive” Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate has tabled the two dozen or so Bills concerning budgets, job creation and energy independence passed by Conservative Republican in the House of Representatives. ABC News et al knowingly fail to report that Senate “progressives” are doing so in order to enable the “progressive” administration to pound a “do nothing Congress” while on the campaign trail. In short, instead of doing a responsible job and reporting the news, ABC and the rest have chosen a side. They’re all card-carrying charter members of the institutionalized “progressive” left’s government controlled press club. This “progressive” Party Pravda has collaborated with Senior White House Aid Valerie Jarrett and Media Matters for America to intentionally steer public opinion in favor of the White House.
Hail to the Chief.