
McConnell on debt: America looks like 'a third world country'

Senator Mitch McConnell addressed the CPAC 2012 audience just before noon, to a slightly better than lukewarm ovation.  The focus of the speech was, as expected, a vault against President Obama and the Democrats in Congress.

He opened talking about the gains made by Republicans in Congress, and the needs that still exist.  This transitioned into a verbal lambasting of the President and the failures of policy that have come from the White House.

The Kentucky Senator railed about spending, debt, and other pressing issues.  When talking about the national debt, McConnell said that we look like a “third-world country rather than the last best hope”.

After the policy portion of the speech, the Senate Minority Leader looked towards the November elections, saying “When November rolls around… they [the American people] will know his [Obama] record”

McConnell, who is not necessarily known for his oratory abilties, put together a superb policy and campaign-year speech, which earned multiple applause breaks and moments of laughter.

McConnell is much more engaging in person than he is on television.  The packed house in the Marriott Ballroom was shouting affirmations, validating the points Senator McConnell raised about Obama failures, Congressional misdeeds, and the government’s lack of faith in the American people.

He concluded the speech with talk of campaign finance reform, and telling the crowd to “keep up the good fight”, and thanking the room for their determination in fighting for the Constitution.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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