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Who Will Herman Endorse?


Herman Cain, former GOP presidential candidate, is scheduled to make an endorsement and announcement Thursday morning on his hometown radio station, News/Talk 750AM WSB in Atlanta. The announcement, being billed as “unconventional,” will be aired live at 8:45am EST as a part of the regularly scheduled Neal Boortz radio show. You can listen live at

The local radio station promos for the announcement lead listeners to believe that Herman Cain is headed back into the talk radio world on WSB, the station that hosted his previous show “The Herman Cain Show” for three years. His show has been on hiatus for nearly a year, a decision that was made when Mr. Cain formally decided to pursue a bid for the White House.

Here is the snippet currently found on promoting Thursday’s announcement:

The endorsement will come on the eve of the South Carolina primary, and much speculation can be made about whom Mr. Cain will endorse. Primary voters were shocked yesterday when Sarah Palin endorsed Newt Gingrich in the South Carolina primary. Because of the goodwill that is apparent between Cain and Gingrich, the argument could be made that Mr. Cain will follow suit and also endorse fellow-Georgian, Gingrich.

Speaker Gingrich has claimed that a victory in South Carolina would lock in the nomination for him, and recent polls show that he does have the momentum. Maybe the endorsement from Cain, who was extraordinarily popular with Southern voters, would provide that last boost necessary to overtake Romney.

However, the fact that Thursday’s event has been labeled “unconventional” must make us all scratch our heads. Mr. Cain doesn’t do much by the book, so he could very well use this platform to launch another book tour, website, or just version 2.0 of his talk radio career. There’s no doubt the radio station is loving the fact that we’ll all have to tune in to find out.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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