
Voter ID video reveals ties to radical front groups

The League of Women Voters Minnesota has been fighting voter identification legislation for years, but with a Republican controlled State House and Senate pushing for a ballot initiative, the League has ramped up their opposition.

The following 17 minute commercial (LWV calls it a documentary) entitled “Democracy for All? The Barriers of Photo ID” was funded in part by a large grant by The Joyce Foundation.

Democracy for All? The Barriers of Voter ID from LWV Minnesota Education Fund on Vimeo.

The Joyce Foundation is headquartered in Chicago, IL and has an influential list of past board members.

Then Senator Barack Obama and current Senior Advisor to the President (and BFF of the First Lady) Valerie Jarrett were board members in the early 2000’s. In 2001, Obama secured more than $1 million in funding from the Joyce Foundation to launch the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) with the help from former Goldmann Sachs CEO Hank Paulson. By legislative mandate, CCX was to be the trading outlet for Cap & Trade had the bill passed in Congress. CCX has since dissolved. Learn the ties between GE, CCX, Al Gore, and Goldmann Sachs here.

The Joyce Foundation also grants money to the Tides Foundation (a.k.a. George Soros pet project), the Center for American Progress, which is credited with writing the stimulus bill of 2009 (and where former Energy Czar and communist-leaning Van Jones hangs out), and Take Action Minnesota, which has made headlines recently for organizing and funding “occupy” protesters in the Twin Cities. In 2010, the Joyce Foundation granted Take Action Minnesota $350,000 to “advance a political reform agenda that encompasses election administration…” according to the foundation’s website.

Beyond the ties to a Soros-funded, radical, progressive group, the video is also full of misleading statistics, discrepancies and exaggerations. The League of Women Voters MN held a screening of “Democracy for All?” today in White Bear Lake, MN.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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