#NDAA TwitterBomb Monday Night
Today – Monday, January 30, 2012 – starting at 7pm Eastern, Twitter users are encouraged to participate in a “TwitterBomb” for the National Defense Authorization Act or NDAA.
The NDAA allows for the unlawful, indefinite detention of American citizens, and has been mostly ignored by the media and politicians. Only two Presidential candidates oppose this unconstitutional bill: Ron Paul & Buddy Roemer.
Looking at the image to the right,coming from Google Trends, the top column is the frequency a topic is searched, and the bottom column is the frequency the topic is discussed in the news.
Monday night, we implore you to Google search every thing you possibly can about NDAA, and then post it and share it to your Facebook & Twitter accounts with the hashtag #NDAA – or, if possible, write out “National Defense Authorization Act” completely.
Search YouTube (owned by Google), where you can find videos by Jon Stewart and many, many others who have voiced their opposition towards the bill. Post and share these videos repeatedly on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites. The American People succeeded in killing SOPA (Is ACTA Worse?), now let’s kill the #NDAA.
“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.” ~Samuel Adams~