Channeling America?
Could you tell which one it was? Was it a flip or a flop? Or was he channeling America? Watching and listening to Obama give the State of the Union speech had my wife and I laughing up a storm. The first thing I want to point out is that my better half is no fan of politics at all. She would just as soon go to the dentist (no offense to dentists) than talk politics.
While I was watching the NBC Republican debate from Florida the night before she was cleaning the kitchen and heard most all of the debate. While Obama gave his speech she started laughing and said that she heard that Obama did not watch the Republican debate yet tonight he is saying many of the same things the candidates said last night. The biggest laugh came when he brought up oil and natural gas. Being the recovering liberal she is, she found it funny that he spoke of drilling yet seems to do anything he can to get in the way of Americans harvesting our petroleum resources.
I found it funny that one of the early lines of his speech was;
“An economy built to last, where hard work pays off, and responsibility is rewarded “
This coming from the entitlement king. Maybe he meant that with our hard work others who do not work could receive our rewards.
“An economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules”
Are we to believe that Obama is changing the rules that he plays by?
“Tonight, I’m directing my Administration to open more than 75 percent of our potential offshore oil and gas resources”
Since it is an election year, Obama must make people think that he had nothing to do with the closing of those resources. Was it not the Obama administration that blocked all offshore drilling permits after the BP oil spill? At present the Obama administration has successfully blocked an oil pipeline that could mean gainful employment for tens of thousands of Americans.
There were points that both us conservatives and the liberals can agree on from the speech. Yes, our education system needs help, and the first solution is to get rid of the Department of Education. Yes we need to better stabilize our economy and reform our tax codes, but the “fairness” that liberals push will only further destroy this great nation.
One thing I must admit about Obama, he can make some great and beautiful speeches. With his teleprompters at hand he can deliver speeches that are as moving as sermons given by the great Reverend Billy Graham in his prime. The difference is that with Obama you must have your BS detector turned on to the sensitive setting while listening.
I recently read Cindi’s article about Obama missing his calling. I must disagree, Obama did not miss his calling. His calling is definitely being a politician. Only a politician can lie, cheat and steal while smiling the whole time and not feel any guilt over it.