Senator Tom Coburn Releases "2011 Wastebook"
Senator Tom Coburn, (R-OK) just released his 2011 Wastebook, A Guide to Some of the Most Wasteful and Low Priority Spending Govt Spending of 2011. Senator Coburn introduces this recent expose’ of Big Government waste and abuse as follows:
Dear Taxpayer,
Robot dragons, video games, Christmas trees, snow cone machines, and chocolate. This is not a Christmas wish list. These are just some of the ways the federal government spent your tax dollars this year.
Senator Coburn has used some interesting examples of how our government has wasted billions of taxpayer dollars in his cover picture. Check out just how your tax dollars are being spent in the above-linked 2011 Wastebook. Pleases share it with as many people as you can so we can inform the voters exactly just what is going on up in Congress, and try to get more responsible representatives elected in the near future.
While this Wastebook does outline some of our government’s wasteful spending of 2011, Senator Coburn emphasizes that this is just the tip of the iceberg in his introduction above. Considering the amount of rampant taxpayer abuse being perpetuated by our elected officials in Washington DC today, the following picture could be used in another book to describe the current Congress,as in “The Congressional Dog and Pony Show of 2011.”
Thank you Senator Coburn for trying to protect the taxpayers of America by exposing the examples of Big Government Graft and Waste in your 2011 Wastebook. Americans are tired of the dog and pony show up in Congress where we are told they are cutting wasteful spending and then the truth comes out, thanks to honest representatives of the people like Senator Tom Coburn.