'The Donald' Won't Rule Out Running against 'The One'

Billionaire Donald Trump is promoting his new book:

‘Time To Get Tough: Making America #1 Again’

(Great Title, btw)

In the book he reveals that he was/is so serious about challenging Barack Obama for the Presidency that he had the Financial Disclosure documents required to make that run prepared. He is worth an estimated $7 Billion which is much more than most people would have thought, Trump is routinely believed to have inflated his net worth in the past. $3 Billion of his net worth is the ‘Trump’ Brand itself.

Good for him, as a New Yorker would say, He’s done well for himself, I’m happy for him.

Now as to him running, presumably 3rd Party, and ensuring Barack Obama’s Re-Election…

I’ve long said that if Trump runs I will found, manage, spearhead and crush him with a Grass Roots Campaign that I will call:

4/11 Barbers for Truth

I’ve selected the color of 4/11 Barbers for Truth to approximate the odd color of Mr. Trumps variegated locks.

4/11 Barbers for Truth will, once and for all, get to the truth about Mr. Trump’s hairline(s).

  1. Where do they truly begin?
  2. How many of them are there?
  3. Has Melania ever seen him after a shower?
  4. How much of the Federal Budget will be dedicated to Hair Products?
  5. How has he managed to avoid the wind all these years?

I promise you that is only the beginning of the questions we will pursue as vigorously as he avoids windy, rainy days.

Personally, I think he’s just doing what ‘The Donald’ does best; Pimping the Trump Brand.

But it is possible that he thinks a Run for the White House would Burnish the Brand even more. If he runs he will find out that 4/11 Barbers for Truth will be more cutting on his reputation than he can imagine… Edward Scissorhands ain’t got nothin’ on us.

I implore Mr. Trump not to force our hand.


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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