Thankful for what really matters
I’ve given my thanks to those close to me, but there are more Americans not so near that deserve some contemplation, consideration and admiration.
I’m thankful for the farmer who goes to bed weary, but awakes before dawn to tend to the fields. He who has God riding shotgun on that tractor, runs it till it won’t then fixes it so it will. Thank you farmer, producer of food.
I’m thankful for the soldier who’s standing guard upon that wall. To their families that say their Thanksgiving prayers with an empty chair at the table. Thank you protectors of freedom.
I’m thankful for business owners, the tireless engine that keeps America going – worker of 20 hour days, taker of incredible risks, creator of jobs and wealth and the real creators of jobs. Thank you makers and sellers of goods.
I’m thankful for Conservatives, especially those “with a conscience”. Defending the right of all to say their piece, defend themselves, pursue property, and live freely. Thank you defenders of the Constitution.
At it’s core, I suppose I am actually saying that I am thankful for something simpler – The Constitution itself and those that show a determined resolve to hold our founding document true. For without that document, the blessings of liberty mentioned above will be lost to those less-thankful and blissfully unaware of the damage they do.