Rick Perry's Memorable Comment in Wednesday's Debate: "Oops"
The CNBC/Oakland University debate aired on Wednesday at 8pm and Rick Perry may have had the most painful, tragic and harmful few minutes in all of political debate history.
The panel was asking the candidates about bringing both parties together to get things done. He started his answer by describing how an apolitical process brought manufacturing jobs to Texas. Then, shortly after throwing his flat tax onto the stage, he tells the audience about the three agencies that will be gone when he gets to Washington, D.C. .. or is it two .. or one.
Here is Gov. Perry’s moment in all its .. well whatever:
And afterwards, Perry attempts to clean up the mess that he “stepped in”:
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hahaha thats funny but we all have a brain fart every now and then it seems like something i would do. i still dont know who i want to vote for yet to early to tell for me.